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[edit] Biff Rose on downpatrecords

I am Biff Rose. I started a record company after receiving an eight thousand dollar Royalty check from David Bowie in 1976 recording my song with most of the lyrics written by Paul Williams named Fill Your Heart. Bowie put it on his third album, HUnky Dory. It is erroneously stated on wikipdeia's entry for downpatrecords that Pat Nolan was my girlfriend. No way.

Made her president of the company as women were working their way up the corporate ladder of male domination. It was the seventies. Fred Rabe came up with the name "Down, Pat" because Pat was getting to be obnoxious,forcing herself on me...yap yap yapping interminably. I liked her more when she was mute. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back occurred when I was performing at Otto's Beer Garden in Chicago and she blocked the door from the dressing room to the stage while I was being introduced ("...and now Otto's Beer Garden is proud to present...."Kiss me",insisted Pattie with braces and bad bad breath..."Out of the way Madame President.")...yet she and Fred sold a thousand dollars worth of Roast Beef trudging through the snow in Chicago, January 1977....poor Pattie has since stalked me...making demands that I speak only to her through the e-mails when I HAVE A VAST ARMY OF FAT GROUPIES WHO WANNA BE BROUGHT UP TO DATE ON WOMENS' progress as "WOMYN" IN THE WORLD OF E-MALE DOMINATION AH RECKON....

Thank you Biff for that kind and enlightening bit of info.

I am not going to argue if Pattie Nolan was Biff's girlfriend or not (even though both lived together, traveled together and shared a bed...this is from personal observation). The rest of the insults don't even deserve to be addressed.

Biff did provide the funds to start the record company. That money was spent on pressing "Roast Beef". Pattie Nolan and I distributed the record, called on radio stations, handeled propmotion and Ms. Nolan booked gigs push the record. I never received a dime for all my hard work and when the distribution deal with Pacific Arts was signed, again, I received nothing. Every penny from the sales of both downpatrecords releases went straight to Biff's pockets. A pretty good deal for him, I would say. 19:55, 21 July 2007 (UTC)Fred Rabe Pickett