User:Dora Nichov/Stories

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[edit] Switchblade The Velociraptor

[edit] Part 1: The Gobi Desert

[edit] Chapter 1: The Protoceratops

Switchblade the Velociraptor woke up and started to preen his feathers. Like many dromaeosaurs, he had feathers. His descendants (or those of other feathered dinosaurs anyway) would someday be birds. Of course, Switchblade didn’t care about that. He had to lead his pack through the harsh environment of the Gobi Desert, which is now Mongolia. Switchblade’s pack was famished. They hadn’t eaten in days. There was a herd of Saurolophus nearby. Saurolophus were hadrosaurs with a long crest on the back of their heads. A Saurolophus would make a square meal for a pack of Velociraptor. But they were big, and Switchblade knew that his pack was in no shape to hunt these hadrosaurs. Instead, he led them to a Protoceratops nesting ground. Protoceratops were much smaller than Saurolophus. These small hornless ceratopsians are so common that many scientists dub them the sheep of the Gobi. They could be dangerous, but a pack could easily take down a single one. Switchblade chose one that was not nesting and away from the herd. He took several of his higher ranking Velociraptor and went over to chase the Protoceratops. The Protoceratops started to run, but an ambush was waiting. They pounce. The Protoceratops bites and charges, and several Velociraptor are injured. But the other Velociraptor are inflicting serious wounds with their sickle claws on their back legs. Many jump all over the ceratopsian and slash at its flanks. Others run around and snap at it. And still others distract it at the front. Finally, the Protoceratops keels over. The Velociraptor feed.

[edit] Chapter 2: The Tarbosaurus

The Velociraptor were well fed. Suddenly they heard a roar nearby. A Tarbosaurus was coming. This was the Asian cousin of Tyrannosaurus. Switchblade sized up the situation. There was still some meat left on the Protoceratops and food was precious. There were twenty Velociraptor, including himself, in the pack. If it came to a fight between them and the Tarbosaurus, it would be long and hard, but maybe they had a chance of scaring off the larger predator. The Tarbosaurus was also surveying the situation. It roared loudly, trying to scare the Velociraptor. Switchblade leaped forward, over the carcass. He screeched at the Tarbosaurus. His pack members followed, backing him up. Every Velociraptor was screeching and displaying its claws. The Tarbosaurus backed away. The small Protoceratops carcass wasn’t worth the fight. After all, it could easily kill larger prey.

[edit] Chapter 3: The Gallimimus

Most of the Velociraptor rested in a thicket. Some stood by the carcass, guarding it carefully. Switchblade knew his guards would do their job well. He was about to fall asleep when he heard a loud squawking. A flock of Gallimimus! These ostrich-like omnivores were the fastest dinosaurs in the world. Switchblade had hunted them before. It was not easy. Even if one managed to corner a Gallimimus, it could fight fiercely with its sharp back claws. These Gallimimus aren’t happy with the Velociraptor near their feeding ground. The Gallimimus started advancing toward the Velociraptor. They squawked loudly, making a big fuss. The Velociraptor would never sleep with such a racket. But Switchblade wasn’t in the mood for a battle. He woke up and led his pack away.

[edit] Chapter 4: The Oviraptor

Switchblade decided it was time for a snack. He wanted eggs. A Protoceratops egg would taste good. However, he wanted a different kind of food other than Protoceratops. He saw a pair of Oviraptor hatching eggs. Although Oviraptor means “egg thief”’, these omnivores were very protective of their own eggs. They did eat others’ eggs, however, though not as a staple diet as once believed. Now those eggs would be good too. He directed some of his pack toward the Oviraptor. Now all he had to do was eat. His pack rushed down at the Oviraptor. The male spread out his feathers. Like Velociraptor, Oviraptor had feathers too. The Velociraptor screeched at the Oviraptor, taunting them. The female Oviraptor screeched back at them from her nest she was sitting on protectively. Switchblade hid in the distance. The female Oviraptor had to be led off her nest for the feast to start. The Velociraptor pack rushes in and plucks feathers off the two Oviraptor. The male is very angry now. He strikes at the nearest Velociraptor with his front claws. The Velociraptor dodges away. Soon the female stands up. Switchblade was wild with excitement. They were succeeding! She kicks out at the Velociraptor, driving them away, only for a second wave to come in. One Velociraptor darts in. A blow to the snout with the claws of the female Oviraptor sends it reeling. The male Oviraptor rushed about, lashing at anything remotely similar to a Velociraptor. The Velociraptor are taken aback by the ferocious attack, and soon retreat. Switchblade was disappointed. No eggs.

[edit] Part 2: A Rival Pack

[edit] Chapter 5: The Saurolophus

Switchblade still wanted eggs. He took his pack past the Gallimimus flock and the Protoceratops herd. He went to a Saurolophus nesting ground. There were three unguarded nests! He started eating. But… if there was as many as three nests unguarded, something must be happening to the Saurolophus guarding these nests… As if on queue, a drop of blood dripped down in front of Switchblade. A loud screeching started. And there was the Saurolophus, attacked by another pack of Velociraptor. This Velociraptor pack numbered more than Switchblade’s pack. They were also pretty well fed. But the Saurolophus was not going to go down so easily. It sent two Velociraptor flying with one sweep of its tail, while numerous Velociraptor were crushed under its feet. Switchblade didn’t care. All he saw in his eyes was the other pack. He would not allow another pack to live in his territory! He advanced forward. The other pack stopped attacking and faced Switchblade’s pack. Even though the Saurolophus had killed many of them, they still had numbered more than Switchblade’s pack. Their leader, Slytalon, eyed Switchblade’s pack carefully. This pack was the original owner of this territory, but they looked weak and they were outnumbered. The two alpha males screeched and raised the feathers on top of their heads. Neither was backing off. Then, without warning, Slytalon attacked.

[edit] Chapter 6: The Deinocheirus

Slytalon’s attack was unexpected. Switchblade was bigger than Slytalon, but he wasn’t half as well fed. Switchblade just had time to counter the attack with a jab from his sickle claw, and then he led his pack away. Luckily, none of his pack was dead yet, though some were injured. But Slytalon’s pack had far more energy than Switchblade’s. They quickly raced ahead and surrounded Switchblade’s pack. Though the fight with the Saurolophus made them lose some pack members, they still outnumbered Switchblade’s pack. Switchblade knew his pack had no chance. They would either die or be forced to join this rival pack. However, they had been aggressive, so Slytalon probably would just kill them without a giving them a single chance. There was no hope left. Switchblade felt the rival Velociraptor close in. He screeched and fought with all the energy he had left. Suddenly, a booming squawk rang through the air. A huge creature was coming toward them. Switchblade had never seen one before. It was a Deinocheirus. The fight had disturbed it, and it wasn’t pleased. Its huge claws came down. Slytalon’s pack was taken by surprise. They had never encountered a Deinocheirus before. To them, it seemed to be just a huge Gallimimus. But they were about to proved wrong. With the first swipe, it had tossed several Velociraptor into the air. Those that were not cleaved in half were thrown to the ground heavily. While Slytalon was contending with this, Switchblade led his pack into some dense brush. It had been a lucky escape.

[edit] Chapter 7: The Therizinosaurus

Slytalon quickly realized he couldn’t defeat this giant Gallimimus thing. He led his remaining pack away. He knew the other pack was still in this area. He had to kill them, drive them away or force them into submission. He looked around trying to detect the direction where Switchblade had fled. Suddenly, a Therizinosaurus arrived on the scene. The smell of blood had attracted it. Though mostly herbivorous, this long-clawed odd theropod will scavenge from carcasses. They weren’t as rare as Deinocheirus, and Slytalon had seen them before from a distance. But he had never encountered one face-to-face. He didn’t like the look of those claws. After all, hadn’t another large-clawed animal just killed some of his pack? While Slytalon led his pack away from the Therizinosaurus, Switchblade and his pack were in dense scrub, looking for something to eat.

[edit] Chapter 8: The Mononykus

Switchblade sensed something ahead. It didn’t sound too big. He ordered some of his pack to surround the area. Suddenly, they flushed out a Mononykus! This strange dinosaur is feathered, with a single claw on each front foot. The Mononykus swiftly ran among the dense brush. The Velociraptor were more agile, but the Mononykus was quicker. It dodged away into some brush, and then burst out before the ambush Velociraptor could catch it. As they Velociraptor pursued it, it gradually led them out of the scrub. The Mononykus dashed away in a flash across the desert sands. The Velociraptor knew it would be useless to chase it anymore. But in front of them were a herd of animals much tastier than thin feathery Mononykus. They were Prenocephale.

[edit] Chapter 9: The Prenocephale

The Prenocephale hadn’t sensed the Velociraptor yet. Switchblade knew these smaller cousins of Pachycephalosaurus had thick skulls used in courtship, but these “boneheads” also served well in defense. One smash from those heads could break a Velociraptor’s spine. He slowly singled out one Prenocephale, and then ordered his “ambush squad” to hide. He then took some of his “lieutenants” to chase the Prenocephale. The Prenocephale ran, but the ambush squad jumped on it. All the Velociraptor joined in the kill. The Prenocephale tried to ram them but they were careful to avoid the bony skull. Switchblade leaped up and grabbed it by the throat, his claws raking across its chest. The Prenocephale gave one final painful bellow before it went down. Switchblade moved in to feast, while the rest of his pack waited patiently. Meanwhile, Slytalon had escaped from the Therizinosaurus and was now tracking down Switchblade. Though the Mononykus had led Switchblade to the Prenocephale, it had also led Slytalon to Switchblade. When Slytalon heard the Mononykus’s squawks, he knew another pack of Velociraptor must be nearby, and the only other pack nearby was Switchblade’s pack, which he must kill or drive away to be able to claim this territory with plentiful food. Switchblade’s pack was taken by surprise as Slytalon’s pack jumped out of nowhere and attacked them. Switchblade saw a weak spot in the circle of rival Velociraptor. He rushed at the area, slashing wildly at the Velociraptor there until he fought his way through. The rest of his pack follows. Slytalon chased them, but Switchblade knew every inch of his territory. He knew was some dense ferns near an oasis. He hid his pack there. Slytalon just passed by. It was another lucky escape, and Switchblade knew he would have to leave. For now, there was no chance of defeating Slytalon. At night, he gathered up his pack and set off.

[edit] Chapter 10: The Azhdarcho

An Azhdarcho sat in his nest on a cliff. He could see the resident Velociraptor pack leaving. He had often helped this pack locate prey with his keen eyesight, and they would repay him by allowing him to feast alongside them. These Velociraptor were such good hunters. If they left, where would he be? He could scavenge from other kills or from the new pack’s kills, but it wouldn’t be the same. He had followed Switchblade’s pack for so long. It wasn’t the time to stop that now. He had wings, didn’t he? He could easily follow them from the air. He spread his wings, waited for a breeze, and then launched himself into the air. On the ground, Switchblade noticed a shadow fall on them. He looked up. It was the Azhdarcho that often ate with them. He could be helpful on the journey.

[edit] Part 3: China

[edit] Chapter 11: The Sinosauropteryx

The Velociraptor pack had been traveling for days. But there wasn’t any place with such plentiful prey as their old territory. Soon, they had unwittingly reached a rainforest. By the time they noticed, they were lost. Switchblade looked around for the Azhdarcho, but the trees obscured his vision. Suddenly, a small dinosaur came over and screeched at them, then darted into the undergrowth. The Velociraptor tried to pursue it, but lots of vegetation slowed them down. The tiny dinosaur was a Sinosauropteryx. It had feathers like the Velociraptor but it was much smaller. Quick as a flash, it had escaped. Though Switchblade was hungry, he decided that the small dinosaur wasn’t worth the effort. He looked around and found a flock of even smaller dinosaurs with even longer feathers. These were Microraptor.

[edit] Chapter 12: The Microraptor

Switchblade didn’t know, but he had arrived in China, home of feathered dinosaurs. The Microraptor had made the Velociraptor pretty excited. After all, they were starving. They started snapping at a few and caught some. But the remaining Microraptor did something Switchblade had never seen before. They climbed and glided out of reach! Switchblade was so busy watching them he forgot about the Microraptor carcasses on the ground. The smell of blood attracts predators. And some predators were about to arrive.

[edit] Chapter 13: The Mei long

A sudden screech startled Switchblade. He whipped around and found himself face-to-face with a pack of Mei long. These dinosaurs were bigger than Velociraptor, but Switchblade’s pack outnumbered them. The Velociraptor weren’t about to let go of their new kills. They charged straight at the Mei long. The Mei long were taken aback by the sudden attack, as they weren’t used to being attacked at all. It was usually them that did the attacking, especially against smaller animals. Switchblade and several higher-ranking Velociraptor headed right for the leading Mei long, raking their sickle claws across its flanks. It snapped at them savagely, but they were too quick. The Mei long was very surprised. It was used to being fierce and quick, but these strange dinosaurs were even quicker and fiercer. The Mei long fled. Switchblade pursued them. Luckily for the Mei long, they knew the jungle much better than the Velociraptor and managed to elude the strange alien enemies. Switchblade failed to find the Mei long, so he took his pack back to eat the Microraptor carcasses. He rested in the shade of the trees. This place wasn’t so bad… They could attack just about anything they had met so far. And it was a long time since the Velociraptor had tasted victory. But with every victory comes a price to pay… The fight with the Mei long pack had reduced Switchblade’s pack to about fifteen Velociraptor.

[edit] Chapter 14: The Caudipteryx

The Velociraptor slept, satisfied. The next day, Switchblade was woken by a loud squawking. He peered through some ferns and saw two male Caudipteryx displaying their feathers at each other. These would a good morning snack. He crept up on them, and then pounced! There was a flurry of feathers as the Caudipteryx escaped. Switchblade had misjudged his attack. One of the Caudipteryx had vanished into some ferns, but Switchblade could still see the other and gave chase. All the commotion had woke the rest of the pack, and they swiftly join the chase. Soon, the Caudipteryx escapes into a stream. The Velociraptor hesitate. Although the stream was very shallow, Velociraptor, as desert animals, weren’t used to water. The Caudipteryx saw the Velociraptor pause. It stood in the middle of the stream. Suddenly, it fanned out its feathers. The Velociraptor were startled by the sudden display of color. The Caudipteryx took the chance to escape. Before Switchblade realized what was going on, something rushed by and nipped him on the snout.

[edit] =Chapter 15: The Incisivosaurus

Whirling around, Switchblade found himself staring at one of the strangest dinosaurs he had ever seen. It had feathers, but the weirdest part of the dinosaur was its teeth. It had big strong teeth, but not like any he had ever seen before. They were buck teeth like a rodent, though he didn’t know what a rodent was because there weren’t any rodents during the Mesozoic, even though most of the mammals resembled rodents. He hissed at the strange territorial creature. It was an Incisivosaurus. One of the Velociraptor leaped forward, but the Incisivosaurus jumped up and bit it on the throat. It bit directly through the windpipe. The Velociraptor made a few gargling noises, and then slumped down. Switchblade swiftly ordered his pack to attack. Despite the fearsome teeth, the Incisivosaurus was too small to contend with an entire pack. In an instant, they had their next meal.

[edit] Chapter 16: The Sinornithosaurus

The Incisivosaurus was quickly eaten up. The Velociraptor were now looking for a snack. A small mammal scuttled across the forest floor. Switchblade was after it in a flash. Suddenly, a sickle claw slammed down, pinning the mammal to the ground, dead. Switchblade reared to his full height, and found himself staring down at a very feathery small dromaeosaur. It was a Sinornithosaurus. Before Switchblade could attack, the Sinornithosaurus had swallowed the mammal. It sauntered into the undergrowth. Suddenly, it stopped short, wobbling on the spot. It made a few strange noises. It’s eyes just stared ahead as if in shock. Then, with one final tremble, it fell to the ground. The mammal had a poisonous spur on its ankle. Before the Sinornithosaurus swallowed it, the spur had jabbed its throat, poisoning it. Switchblade was puzzled. Why did the small dromaeosaur die so suddenly? But he put the mystery at the back of his mind as he called his pack over to feed on the Sinornithosaurus carcass.

[edit] Chapter 17: The Jinzhousaurus

Meanwhile, the Azhdarcho had settled down by a lake. It wasn’t happy. It had lost sight of the Velociraptor pack as soon as they entered the rainforest and the trees obscured his vision, making it hard to locate carcasses. He had to subsist on fish, but he still longed for the taste of meat. He had decided to return to Mongolia. He spread his wings, waiting for a breeze, and then lifted off gracefully. As for the Velociraptor, they were now stalking a herd of Jinzhousaurus, one of the biggest dinosaurs here. However, they were only half the size of Saurolophus. The Velociraptor were happy. Everything had the greatest respect for them, including the Mei long. Soon, Switchblade and several high-ranking pack members singled out a Jinzhousaurus. Suddenly, it reared high and did something none of the Velociraptor had ever seen. It used a spike-like claw on its thumb to slash at the attacking theropods. Switchblade darted behind the Jinzhousaurus and leaped onto its back. There, he used his sickle claw to slash back at the herbivore. His pack followed. The Jinzhousaurus was really angry now. It flailed dangerously with thumb spikes. At least four Velociraptor were impaled and killed. Switchblade knew he must end the hunt quick. He scrambled skillfully on the bucking dinosaur and plunged his sickle claw into the Jinzhousaurus’s throat. He started digging with his claw, hoping to get a vulnerable spot. A sudden buck threw him to the ground as the thumb claw whizzed by his head. Then the struggling stopped. The Jinzhousaurus fell to the ground. Switchblade ate his fill, and then rested under a tree. This was a good place. But the biggest game they had found so far was the Jinzhousaurus, and it was still too small to sustain a large pack of Velociraptor. Although there were only ten Velociraptor, he was sure the pack would grow in the future. Furthermore, the Velociraptor weren’t used to such dense foliage and humid environments. Everywhere they went it was wet. There was mud all over the place. And several Velociraptor were already injured – scratched by numerous sticks. The desert was a better place to live. They had to return, even if it meant facing Slytalon in a final fight. After making sure all the Velociraptor had eaten, he called them together. It was time to go back to Mongolia.

[edit] Chapter 18: The Dilong

The journey back was hard, despite the extra energy the Velociraptor had gained from eating the Jinzhousaurus. Many of the Velociraptor had gotten lost in the dense jungle and were never seen again. Only six Velociraptor were left. Suddenly, Switchblade heard a roar behind him. He turned around and saw… something. It looked like a Tarbosaurus but it had feathers. Only young Tarbosaurus had feathers, but this dinosaur was bigger than a young Tarbosaurus, yet hardly half the size of an adult. It was a Dilong. It had been trying to sneak up on the Velociraptor. It suddenly backed away, realizing that it had made a mistake in attacking these strange dromaeosaurs. But it was too late. Switchblade leaped into the air. Latching himself firmly on the Dilong’s back, Switchblade slashed fiercely. The Dilong tried to shake him off, but the sickle claws dug deep into its skin. Soon the whole pack was joining in. The Dilong knew it had only one chance left now that these tiny dinosaurs had turned the tables. It ran into dense forest, hoping low-hanging branches would swipe off the annoying dromaeosaurs. Switchblade saw what it was doing and detached himself. The others followed. The Velociraptor had just defeated the biggest predator in the area, but, again, with a price to pay. As the Dilong retreated, Switchblade saw that dangling from its mouth was a dead Velociraptor – one more pack member lost.

[edit] Chapter 19: The Psittacosaurus

Switchblade and his pack had reached the edge of the desert when a sudden rustling behind them made Switchblade whirl around once more. He saw a Psittacosaurus. A familiar animal at last! Psittacosaurus were found in both China and Mongolia, and Switchblade knew they made good snacks. He rushed at the Psittacosaurus and pounced. The Psittacosaurus tried to run, but Switchblade’s ambush had worked. The Psittacosaurus turned around and snapped at Switchblade, but only succeeded in biting off a single feather. Switchblade gave it a quick slash to the throat, killing it instantly. As he fed on the choicest morsels, an Eosipterus swooped down and bit him with needle-sharp teeth. The small pterosaur wanted some meat, but Switchblade wasn’t about to share, especially if the pterosaur hadn’t played any part in the hunt. He snarled at it, but it flew out of reach. When he ate some more, the Eosipterus bit him again. He flew into a state of fury, slashing wildly, but he just couldn’t reach the pterosaur. Angering him even further was the fact that the Eosipterus actually seemed to be happy about making him furious. Before he could think of a solution, a huge beak came down, snipping halfway through the small pterosaur’s wing membrane. Screeching wildly in fright, the Eosipterus flew away, though its flight pattern was now a bit wobbly. Switchblade looked up to see what had “saved” him. It was the Azhdarcho.

[edit] Chapter 20: The Velociraptor

Besides driving away small pterosaurs, the Azhdarcho also helped locate prey and direct the pack toward the right way. Soon, they had arrived in Switchblade’s original territory. Switchblade looked around and saw a Tarbosaurus feeding on a dead Saurolophus. Around the carcass were many dead Velociraptor. Perhaps the Velociraptor had tried to steal from the Tarbosaurus and failed. Or the Tarbosaurus drove them away from their kill. Or the Velociraptor had been killed in the hunt and the remaining ones were scared off by the tyrannosaur. Or the Saurolophus was already dead and the Tarbosaurus and the Velociraptor had fought over the carcass. Whatever the case, Switchblade was sure that Slytalon’s pack had been reduced. The Velociraptor footprints nearby were still fresh. He called his pack together. They had to get ready for the final fight. They tread lightly across sand, peeking behind every sand dune. Soon, Switchblade spotted Slytalon and his pack resting in the middle of four sand dunes, under some scrub. There were only seven Velociraptor in Slytalon’s pack. Switchblade’s pack split up. Each Velociraptor hid behind a sand dune. Switchblade hid alongside his second-in-command. He was aiming right at Slytalon. Suddenly, he gave a signal, and the Velociraptor pack burst into the center of Slytalon’s pack. Terrifying screeches ran out. Ignoring the others, Switchblade darted straight at Slytalon. Slytalon screeched, trying to call his pack together, but Switchblade’s pack were distracting them well. He leaped up on Slytalon, forcing his front end toward the ground. When two alpha males fight, the first move is almost always to force the other into a submissive position. Only if the other resists will a real fight break out. Switchblade was forcing Slytalon’s head toward the ground in a submissive position. Slytalon kicked out. This proved to be a mistake -- although the attack had missed, he had resisted nonetheless and thus a bloody fight was about to begin. Switchblade leaned against Slytalon with his full body weight. Slytalon fell to the ground, raising a dust cloud. He kicked and slashed wildly but there was too much sand, obscuring his vision. Switchblade swiped at his face, rendering him half-blind. But the sand started to settle down and Slytalon managed to slash Switchblade twice in the side. Switchblade knew he must end the fight soon. Ignoring Slytalon’s struggles, he placed his foot on Slytalon’s head. The sickle claw came down with a crunch and Slytalon was no more. He turned back to aid his pack. He saw one Velociraptor dead at their feet and three others in full retreat. His pack had won! He screeched a loud victory call to the sky. It was only when he finished did he notice two strange Velociraptor nearby. Their sickle claws were flicked downward, and their front feet were folded against their bodies. Their heads were down, their tails was up, and they were gazing up at Switchblade. It was proper submissive behavior. It was clear that they wanted to join the pack. Switchblade surveyed them carefully. One was a female. She would make a good mate. His original mate had died during the starvation period. He looked at the other. It was a male. Although he wasn’t the biggest Velociraptor Switchblade had seen, there seemed to be a kind of spark in him. He looked speedy, healthy and smart. Switchblade stepped aside letting them into the pack. As they entered, every Velociraptor hissed at them, reminding them that they were still at the bottom of the pecking order, so don’t try anything funny. They gratefully slid to the back of the pack.

[edit] Epilogue

The sun was setting over the Gobi. Small herbivorous and omnivorous dinosaurs scurried everywhere to get a bite to eat before darkness fell. Between several sand dunes and some scrubby bush a pack of Velociraptor resided, having fed on a Saurolophus. Two of Switchblade’s top lieutenants, one of which was the new male, along with the most of the other Velociraptor, were sliding down the sand dunes for fun. In one patch of scrubby bush Switchblade’s new mate was tending their new eggs. As for Switchblade, he stood at the top of the tallest sand dune proudly, staring at the sunset. He was a good leader, having lead the pack through starvation, the adventure in China and most of all, Slytalon’s attack. He had earned himself a mate and a new lieutenant as well. As the Azhdarcho swooped low over the sand dune, Switchblade, satisfied with himself, thought the pterosaur had given him a “wink”.


[edit] Flames’ Mainland Adventure

[edit] Chapter 1: Flames The Pyroraptor

On an island near Cretaceous Europe, Flames stirred out of his sleep. He was a Pyroraptor, a European dromaeosaur. He was slightly larger than the other Pyroraptor on this island, yet smaller than those on the mainland. You see, his ancestor, Pod, was a mainland Pyroraptor. Long ago, Pod got washed up on the island. He was rebuffed by the island Pyroraptor, but a pack of Troodon accepted him. However, at least one female island Pyroraptor wasn’t scared of him, and their descendants gradually became smaller after years of breeding, though still not as small as the native island Pyroraptor. Flames heard screeching. The other pack members were waking. After all these years, Flames was still in the Troodon pack. None of his ancestors had left the pack before to seek out their own kind, and they had grown used to the smaller carnivores too. Today, the pack was going to the coast to find some stranded animals to eat. Flames always enjoyed going to the coast. There was almost always something good to eat, and he loved chasing Ichthyornis. As the pack snapped at stranded fish, they heard a low rumbling. It wasn’t the growl of a large carnivore. Then a huge wave rose out of the sea. It was taller than any wave Flames had ever seen. Before he could do anything, the huge wave crashed down, dragging Flames and all the Troodon into the sea…

[edit] Chapter 2: Sailing

Flames found himself breathing air again after a few weak struggles. He saw that he was sitting on a floating log. Soon, four other heads popped out from the water. They were two male and two female Troodon. One of them was Brainy, the dominant female Troodon. It seemed amazing that so many animals could survive, but really, the animals weren’t dragged under for long. Most them died when they got smashed on jagged rocks. One day later, the dinosaurs on the log were hungry and most of all hot and exhausted. A snake-like head rose out of the deep. It was a Plesiosaurus. In an instant it had one of the male Troodon its jaws. A loud screech, then everything was silent. The Troodon had been dragged into the sea and eaten. Flames had eaten the dead bodies of Plesiosaurus when they washed up on shore, but he had no idea the live versions would be so scary. A while later, the dinosaurs saw several seabirds soared through the sky – Ichthyornis. They seemed to notice seemingly dead dinosaurs below. Flames had no idea that Ichthyornis meant that land was near. He just wanted them to stop screeching in his ears and pecking at his feathers, trying to determine if he was dead. But he was too weak to do anything. Brainy managed to stand up. Her jaws snapped once, grabbing an Ichthyornis by its leg. She dragged it down and delivered a quick slash with her sickle claws. Her claws were smaller than that of dromaeosaurs, but they were enough. The dinosaurs had food and not one Ichthyornis bothered them again.

[edit] Chapter 3: The Mainland

A few hours later, the dinosaurs reached land. They were all quite dazed after the adventure, so the first thing they did was run toward a forest, where there was shade. They had no idea of what was to come. Soon Flames heard a low growling that sounded strangely familiar. He turned around and found an Allodaposuchus staring at him. But it was bigger than any Allodaposuchus he had ever seen. The terrestrial crocodile lunged, and Flames just got away in the nick of time. The island Allodaposuchus were already hard enough to deal with, let alone this giant one. It rushed forward again. Flames struck out with a sickle claw, but the claw just bounced off the Allodaposuchus’ armor. This was getting bad. The Troodon were behind him to back him up, but was it enough? They had to run for it. Flames backed away but tripped over a log. The Troodon scattered suddenly. But it wasn’t the Allodaposuchus that made them scatter. Flames looked at the crocodile. It was dead, and a huge sickle claw had been driven right through its skull.

[edit] Chapter 4: A New Pack

Flames looked up. He saw a pack of Pyroraptor, like him. Well, not exactly like him. They were slightly bigger. He was looking up into the face of the dominant male, Fireball. And beside Fireball was the dominant female, Fire Blossom. He backed away slowly. He was used to being the biggest Pyroraptor on the island, but here he was the smallest. Instinctively he ducked into a submissive position. The larger Pyroraptor seemed to judge him for an extremely long time before allowing him into the pack. The Troodon tried to follow, but were chased away. These Pyroraptor didn’t seem to like Troodon. Flames was forced to the back of the pack. The other Pyroraptor snarled and snapped at him, showing him he was the lowest ranking pack member. Flames knew it was of no use to resist, so he stayed put. Behind him, he could hear the Troodon following him. They haven’t given him up yet and he was thankful for that. It would be a little while before he could get used to a pack of Pyroraptor.

C===hapter 5: The Hunt===

At first the larger Pyroraptor tried to drive the Troodon away but it didn’t work. The pack was forced to let them scavenge from their kills. Today the pack was about to hunt an Iguanodon. Flames quickly learned that the animals here were much bigger than the ones back home, though they were the same species. As the pack ran along, they passed a herd of Titanosaurus. Although there weren’t any Titanosaurus on the island, there were some closely related sauropods called Magyarosaurus that were much smaller than Titanosaurus. Soon the pack found an Iguanodon herd. Now, the lowest rankers always got the most dangerous job. And Flames was the lowest ranker. He had to distract an Iguanodon until the others attacked. And so he went. The Iguanodon here were much bigger than the island ones. Flames knew one stab from an island Iguanodon’s thumb spike could result in a serious wound, but theses mainland ones, why, they could just slice him in half. Still, if he wanted a meal, he would have to take the risk. He jumped in front of an Iguanodon suddenly. The Iguanodon reared, thumb claws swinging dangerously close to Flames’ head. Then there was an explosion of feathers and the other Pyroraptor burst into view, raking their claws along the Iguanodon’s back and flanks. Flames joined in. Though his smaller claws couldn’t dig as deep, they were enough to let him hold on. Then Fireball appeared. Balancing skillfully on the Iguanodon’s head, he leaped down onto its throat to make the killing move. He had been pack leader for years and was very experienced. SWISH! The Iguanodon fell. The pack fed. After feeding, they rested in a bush. The Troodon moved in. But the Troodon seemed more anxious than usual, as they had seen something the Pyroraptor hadn’t…

[edit] Chapter 6: The Troodon Prove Themselves

Brainy paced about uneasily. Like the other Troodon, she had seen a Tarascosaurus lurking nearby. It was probably attracted by the carcass, but if it spied the Pyroraptor, they would be in danger. The pack was strong, but they were asleep. Even if they woke up, they wouldn’t be prepared for a fight. This was bad. But Brainy knew it was none of her business. After all, these Pyroraptor resented the Troodon. However, she also knew Flames was there as well. They had been companions for so long – it just wasn’t right to let him go like this. She crept over to the other Troodon and made a signal. Soon the Troodon were swarming the Tarascosaurus, screeching loudly, even nipping and scratching at it. The Tarascosaurus was bewildered. It had never been attacked by Troodon before. Furthermore, these Troodon were abnormally small. It snapped at the smaller dinosaurs, but they were too quick. Then the three Troodon split up and ran in different directions. The Tarascosaurus first chased one, then the other, but it was no use. The Tarascosaurus was exhausted and dazed. Then it saw the Troodon regroup. It rushed at them madly and the Troodon streaked off toward the Iguanodon herd. The Tarascosaurus rushed in but bumped into an Iguanodon, partly because it was dazed, and partly because it was too intent on catching the Troodon. The Iguanodon that had been bumped whipped around and stabbed the Tarascosaurus right in the throat. As the Tarascosaurus fell, the other Iguanodon stampeded, trampling the predator under dozens of feet. Meanwhile, the Pyroraptor had woken up just in time to see the Troodon lead the Tarascosaurus toward the Iguanodon herd. Soon the pack had three new members.

[edit] Chapter 7: When Fire Thief Meets Wounding Tooth

The Troodon had done a lot for the pack ever since they joined. The pack was now able to hunt at night because Troodon could see in the dark with their huge eyes. And this made them even more successful while hunting as their prey usually slept at night. But Flames soon found out why these Pyroraptor disliked Troodon. One day the pack was feeding when a pack of Troodon appeared. Flames was still the lowest ranker, even the Troodon had reached higher ranks. It just wasn’t fair – Fireball kept bullying him, maybe because of his small size. But he knew that he wouldn’t survive here on his own. In any case, he had to eat last and keep scavengers away while the others fed. The Troodon pack swarmed him and he was soon overwhelmed. Then the other Troodon darted in to snatch some meat. The Pyroraptor and the island Troodon looked up and a big squabble ensued. There was lots of screeching and some back and forth nipping, then the Troodon retreated, leaving a panic-stricken male, Sickle. The Pyroraptor attacked but Sickle went into a submissive position before they could kill him. The Pyroraptor backed away as Fireball started judging Sickle. After a while, Sickle slipped to the back of the pack formation. One more Troodon, Fireball had decided, wouldn’t do much harm.

[edit] Chapter 8: To Kill A Giant

Several months had passed and Flames was still on the bottom. Sickle was having problems too. Ever since he joined, he was forever trying to approach the female Troodon. Whenever Flames saw him, he had a bloody snout covered the claw and teeth marks. Even so, he had proved useful. Being larger than island Troodon, he was able to participate more in the actual hunt. And that was important, as food was very scarce at this time of the year. And now Fireball was leading the pack on a hunt for prey Flames had never hunted before – Titanosaurus. It was the first time Flames had gotten so close to one. He took a good look at the long tail and pillar-like feet. One lash or stomp and he’d just vanish into thin air. At least there was one good thing for Flames – Titanosaurus didn’t need to be distracted – they were so slow the Pyroraptor didn’t even have to ambush. Fireball jumped onto a Titanosaurus’ back and the others followed. They hooked their sickle claws into its skin. The Titanosaurus started galloping for the forest. Fireball knew what it was trying to do and ordered the others to lie flat. The Titanosaurus was using overhanging branches to sweep the carnivores off its back. Soon it had ran through the entire length of the forest, but not one Pyroraptor or Troodon had fallen off. They were now at the beach. The Titanosaurus ran around in a mad frenzy and stepped in some loose wet sand. There was a squelching sound as the Titanosaurus sank into the ground. Its legs were completely buried. It was helpless, as it couldn’t even run. Now all the predators had to do would be to inflict wounds and wait. Hours passed. The Titanosaurus was still alive, but it was covered in red claw marks. The tide came in and all the carnivores were clinging to the Titanosaurus’ head and neck. Naturally, Fireball and Fire Blossom stood at the highest point. But Fireball could see that soon they would be completely submerged. The water across the herbivore’s back was still shallow enough to wade through. He screeched to the others and they all ran over the Titanosaurus’ back and escaped into the forest. At nightfall, the pack returned. Some Allodaposuchus were eating the drowned Titanosaurus. The Pyroraptor and Troodon rushed in and scared them off, and then Flames resumed his duty as a scavenger-chaser while the others fed.

[edit] Chapter 9: Strange Signs

The Titanosaurus carcass had fed the pack during the dry season. One day, when Flames was preening himself, he noticed something strange. The longest arm-fringing feathers of his had become brightly colored. Something like this happened every year, and Flames always got drawn to strange behavior during this period of time. However, it was always later in the year that Flames understood what was happening, and he soon forgot after the period of time passed. So Flames ignored his colorful feathers and went to a small pond to drink. His reflection nearly made him jump. He had long brightly colored crest feathers on his head, and he found he could raise them up and down. He walked back into the forest, and to his own surprise, he started designing a nest. He always pleased himself by sleeping in bushes or under trees, why bother with a nest? He built a mound and dug a pit at the top. Then he lined the pit with dead leaves and his own feathers, though not the brightly colored ones. Then he went off. Flames didn’t know yet, but the use for his strange behavior was about to become clear in a few days.

[edit] Chapter 10: Breeding Season

Then it came to Flames that it was breeding season. Back at the island he had been through breeding seasons before, but the female Pyroraptor on the island were usually scared off by his large size. Now, he walked back to his nesting mound. The breeding behaviors of Pyroraptor are extremely complicated. Alpha males do most of the leading, but to become an alpha male is difficult. Not only does the male have to defeat the original alpha male, but also win the attentions of the alpha female. So when a lower-ranking female defeats the alpha female, and doesn’t like the alpha male, the entire social lifestyle of the pack is turned around. During the breeding season, males either travel far and wide to entice the females of other packs or try to get the attention of their alpha female. Although lower-ranking females do get attention (and if the male doing this gets away with this they can run away and start a new pack), it is the alpha female that gets the most. And at dawn, when Fireball was still asleep, Fire Blossom was woken up by the excited screeches of males fanning out their arm, tail and crest feathers. Amazingly, Flames was one of them. During the breeding season, the instincts instead of the minds of males take over and most instincts direct males to display to the alpha female. So even though Flames knew his size and rank would never allow him to succeed, he had to obey his instincts.

[edit] Chapter 11: The Rescue

The displaying males scattered as Fireball started to wake. They weren’t going to return until tomorrow. But at night, one lone male crept slowly over. Flames had seen a Tarascosaurus nearby – now was his chance! Flames had prepared his attack carefully. This was going to be dangerous, but everyone becomes reckless when breeding in concerned. Flames leaped out, sinking his sickle claws into the Tarascosaurus’ throat. The larger predator roared and Flames smelt its smelly breath. The Tarascosaurus started crashing through the forest in attempt to shake Flames off. It roared and growled and tried to bite but Flames held on tight. Soon the Tarascosaurus left the forest and Flames dropped down. He went back into the forest. Then he felt someone preening him. He had succeeded! Few Pyroraptor would take on a Tarascosaurus alone. However, Flames still had another obstacle to overcome…

[edit] Chapter 12: Fireball Suspects

At dawn, Fireball woke up lazily. It was a completely new day. Then his eyes almost literally flew open. He remembered something – it was breeding season! And there must be a few males out there trying to “steal” Fire Blossom. He reached Fire Blossom’s nest in one bound. Hopefully no male had managed to entice her yet. But then Fireball saw something that mad his spirits drop. It was a footprint -- the footprint of a Pyroraptor. And what was more, there was something unnerving about the footprint – it was smaller than any Pyroraptor footprint Fireball had ever seen. And nearby was a feather. It was definitely a Pyroraptor feather. But its color was of a slightly different shade from any other Pyroraptor he had seen in his life – except one – that midget, Flames! How Flames had attracted Fire Blossom’s attention was beyond Fireball’s, but one thing was certain. He would have to kill Flames! Either that, or drive him so far away that he would never hope to return. Fireball looked around, his sharp eyes glaring in anger. In an instant, he had found Flames – still asleep. Perfect. Now Flames would learn how Fireball got his name…

[edit] Chapter 13: Flames The Outcast

Flames woke up when he heard something coming straight at him. Fireball! He had forgotten about Fireball. And now Fireball was bearing down on him, every feather sticking out like a tongue of flame. And when the sun beat down, sparks seemed to fly off Fireball’s claws. But the most horrifying were his eyes – they seemed to have morphed into literal, well, fireballs. Flames ran for his life. And for once his size didn’t let him down. In fact, he was able to keep well ahead of Fireball because he could slink into the smaller places, while Fireball had to jump and slash his way through. But Fireball wasn’t about to give up. Soon Flames was on the coast with nowhere to hide. Then something strange happened. Fireball went back into the forest. Even so, Flames knew he had been exiled from the forest forever. Every night he slept on the cold beach, listening to the sounds of waves pounding the seaside. Allodaposuchus and Ichthyornis investigated him every now and then, which was annoying. He had to subsist on what the sea threw up for him – fish, ammonites, marine arthropods, baby turtles – tasty enough, but nothing compared to tender Iguanodon meat. The Troodon visited him every now and then, bringing scraps, but the scraps were usually the toughest bits of sinew, sometimes even just bone. And the Troodon always returned to the forest instead of staying with him. Flames’ lonely cries were unheard by all except for hungry Allodaposuchus. A few more days like this, and death was almost inevitable.

[edit] Chapter 14: The Stampede

Well, death was ALMOST inevitable. One day Flames woke up to see the entire pack coming straight at him! Flames ran, but he noticed a loud thumping sound. The pack, even with all its members, couldn’t create such a din. Then it came to him – STAMPEDE! A huge herd of Iguanodon and Titanosaurus was coming their way! Flames ran for the softer sand of the beach where large animals wouldn’t be able move so well. The larger Titanosaurus stopped, but the Iguanodon were still coming closer. Two of the slower Pyroraptor got crushed under the pounding feet. Then they came to a place where they were surrounded by sea from all sides except one – the side where the herd was coming from. They had no hope. Flames got ready to be crushed into the ground. Then the Iguanodon stopped. Maybe whatever had scared them was no longer considered dangerous by them. But Flames also realized there was a loud roar, though not a dinosaur’s call. The Iguanodon were backing away and it seemed to be getting darker. Then Flames whipped around. A wave was getting taller and taller. Flames hardly had time to cry out before the tsunami engulfed the pack.

[edit] Chapter 15: Back To The Island

As Flames felt himself getting pushed underwater, he groped blindly. He failed miserably but then felt something feathery slam into him. He grabbed on and found himself floating to the surface… He was breathing air once more. He looked down and found what had saved him was in fact Fireball’s body. Nearby, on a floating log, were Brainy, Sickle, Fire Blossom and another female Troodon. Flames soon joined them. The dinosaurs hauled Fireball’s body onto the log so they would have food. Days later, the log reached the shore of someplace familiar. It was the island! The exhausted Pyroraptor and Troodon headed to Flames’ old lair and (after scaring away the Allodaposuchus there) slept for the rest of the day. Later, they went to hunt the smaller titanosaurs of the island – Magyarosaurus. As they fed, Flames snatched a mouthful of meat and preformed a complete, uninterrupted mating dance.

[edit] Epilogue

Within a month, Flames had his first chicks. Some were larger than island Pyroraptor chicks, others were smaller. As the years went by, one of the smaller ones stayed in the pack. When it wandered down to the beach with its Troodon friends, some of which were larger than island Troodon, it was met by an amazing but terrifying sight: a tall wave was getting taller and taller...


[edit] Funny Stories

These are NOT meant to be educational, so don't be surprised if you see inaccuracies.

  • Tyrannosaurus Rules


T = Tyrannosaurus
G = Gallimimus
P = Pachycephalosaurus
V = Velociraptor
S = Spinosaurus
GI = Giganotosaurus
L = Liopleurodon

[edit] Episode 1: Avian-Mimic Attack

[edit] Tyrannosaurus vs a flock of Gallimimus

T: Bring it on!
G1: Oh, yeah? CHARGE!
Referee: Ready, set, fig…
G1: Shut up! *Kicks*
Referee: *Dies*
G2 – G5: Attack! *Kick*
T: *Bites* Yum!
G1: Don’t just stand there, attack!!
G2 – G5: O… *Die*
G6 – G20: CHARGE!! *Kick*
T: *Stomps* Hey, where are they?
L: You squashed them.
T: Hi, Liopleurodon. Do you still have your gun?
L: Yes. *Throws gun*
G21: Peck her, peck her! *Pecks*
T: BANG, BANG! *Shoots*
G21 – 25: *Die*
G1: You birdbrains! ATTACK!
G26 – G35: Kill her! *Kick*
T: *Stomps* Chicken pancakes, tasty!
G26 – G35: *Die*
G36 – G40: ATTACK, ATTACK! You’re dead, Tyrannosaurus, stupid tyrannosaur!
T: At least I’m not a birdbrain!
G1: We’re not birdbrains!
T: Yeah, you’re fifty birdbrains.
L: *Eats* Yum!
G36 – G40: Cool! A cave…. *Die*
T: Hey, leave some for me!
L: Sorry.
G1: Don’t give up! Gallimimus are WAY better than Tyrannosaurus!
G41 – 45: Good point! *Kick*
T: Huh? I don’t feel a thing! *Bites*
G41 – 45: Ohh, sharp teeth… *Die*
G1 & G46 – 50: *Charge*
T: HAHA! Weakies! I don’t feel a thing! *Bites*
G50: Ahhh, I’m dying! *Dies*
G1: We will win!
T: Goodbye, birdbrains! *Shoots*
G1 & G46 – G49: We’re not birdb… *Die*
Struthiomimus1 – 50, Pelicanimimus1 – 50 & Ornithomimus1 – 50: *Burst in* We’ve come to avenge our cousins!
T: Oh yeah? BANG! *Shoots*
Struthiomimus1 – 50: How did you get th… *Die*
T: Hey, where are the others?
L: They’re yummy!
T: How do you know?
L: I ate them.
T: Ah well.
Deinocheirus1 – 50: *Burst in* HAHA! Try to deal with US!
T: Who are you!?
Deinocheirus1 – 50: We are the Deinocheirus! MUHAHA!
T: Grrr! *Charges*
Deinochierus1: HA! *Slashes*
T: *Falls down*
Deinocheirus1: See? I told you she’s weak! In Walking With Dinosaurs, she got beaten by an ANKYLOSAURUS!
Deinocheirus2: Yeah, lousy actress!
L: Oh no...
L: They called her a lousy actress…
Deinocheirus2: Ahhh! *Dies*
T: BANG~! *Shoots*
Deinocheirus3 – 50: Help! *Try to run away, then die*
Deinocheirus1: Oh yeah? At her! I said, at her!
T: HAHA, Deino-something! Your pack is gone! You-are-weak. *Bites*
Deinocheirus1: No, you can’t kill me, it’s impos… *Dies*
L: And don’t forget me!

[edit] Episode 2: Thick-Headed Terminators

[edit] 1 Tyrannosaurus vs a herd of Pachycephalosaurus

T: Bring it on!
P1: Oh yeah? CHARGE!
Referee: Ready, set, fig…
P1: Shut up. *Headbutts*
Referee: *Dies*
P2 – 5: Charge! *Headbutt*
T: *Dodges* Hey, what are you aiming at, thickheads?
P2 – 4: Huh? *Smash into wall, die*
P5: *Stops* I’ll get you this time!
T: No way! *Bites*
P5: Oh, you’ve bitten through my thick skull… but that’s impos… *Dies*
P1: Attack! Show her her skull isn’t half as thick as ours!
T: Yeah, but that means you’re stupid!
P6: Oh yeah?
T: Yeah!
P6 – 10: You did it now!
L: Hi there. I wanted to join in the fun. *Eats*
P6 – 10: Huh? *Die*
P1: Keep attacking! We’re winning!
T: You must be blind!
P11: No we’re not! *Charges, smashes into wall, and then dies*
T: See?
P1: Who cares? At least we can see better than any Tyrannosaurus!
T: Really? *Charges*
P12 – 15: *Charge* OK, carnivore! Let’s settle this once and for all!
T: Sure. *Dodges*
P12: *Smashes into wall* Nothing can get past my thick skull! *Dies*
P13 – 15: OK, she’s in this direction!
L: Here, the gun. *Throws gun*
T: BANG! *Shoots*
P13 – 15: AHHH! *Die*
P1: Everyone, CHARGE!
P16 – 50: OK! *Charge*
T: Wow, I shouldn’t have wasted my time dodging! It doesn’t hurt at all!
P16: How’s this? *Headbutts harder*
T: Save your breath. *Stomps*
P16: Uh… *Dies*
P17 – 50: All of us together equal one meteor and we’ll make you extinct!
T: Oh yeah? *Bites*
P17 – 25: HELP!!! *Die*
T: I’ll make all pachycephalosaurs extinct!
P26: Then we’ll make tyrannosaurs extinct!
T: Bet you can’t even defeat ONE NANOTYRANNUS!
L: Oh shut up, boneheads. *Eats*
P26 – 40: Why did it turn dark in he… *Die*
T: Beware the fastest gun in the Cretaceous! *Shoots*
P41 – 50: Sorry but there’s no such thing in the Creta… *Die*
T: OK, spongehead, you’re all alone.
T: I said you’re all alone.
P1: YOU CALLED ME A SPONGHEAD, HUH? *Charges, slams into ceiling, flies into outer space, dies*
T: What a dope.
Prenocephale1 – 50 & Homalocephale1 – 50: *Burst in* We’ve come to avenge our cousins!
T: Oh, sure. Hey where did they go?
L: I ate them.
L: Sure. All… *Tries to count on his flippers* Uh, er, um…
T: 100 of them.
L: Hey do you know? You only have four fingers!
T: And you have none.
L: Fine.
L: And don’t forget me!

[edit] Episode 3: Sickle-Clawed Snipers

[edit] 1 Tyrannosaurus vs a pack of Velociraptor

T: Bring it on!
V1: Oh yeah? CHARGE!
Referee: Ready, set, fig…
V1: Shut up. *Slashes*
Referee: *Dies*
V2 – 5: We’ll prove dromaeosaurs are better than Tyrannosaurus! *Slash*
T: HAHA! Don’t feel a thing! *Stomps*
V2 – 5: We’re winning… *Die*
V6 – 10: Jump on her! *Jump*
T: *Bites* Wow, you just jumped on my foot. Why can’t you jump higher?
V6: We can too! *Dies*
V7 – 10: Yeah! *Jump and land inside Tyrannosaurus’s mouth*
T: *Eats* Yum!
V11 – V15: Oh yeah? You can only run 25kmph! Try to match our 40kmph speed!
T: Sure, except you’re not running. *Bites*
V11 – V15: Now we are! *Start running* Glug… *Die*
V16 – 20: ATTACK!!!!! *Slash*
L: Hi there and be quiet! *Eats*
V16 – 20: Hey, who turned off the lights? *Die*
T: Hi, Liopleurodon. Nice of you to drop by.
L: Sure. Need the gun?
T: Yeah.
L: *Throws gun*
V21 – 25: CHARGE! Kill the theropod! *Jump and slash*
T: BANG! Don’t forget, Velociraptor! Dromaeosaurs are theropods too! *Shoots*
V21 – 25: Glub, dromaeosaurs are more civilized… *Die*
T: Yeah right. Still want to fight?
V1: Of course, stupid tyrannosaur! Huh, if the BBC wanted us in Walking With Dinosaurs, I bet we’d act better than some old T. rex!
Barney: *Rushes in out of nowhere* I love you, you love me…
T: Whose side are you on anyway? *Shoots*
Barney: We’re best friends as… *Dies*
V26 – 30: NOW!! *Slash*
T: What are those claws for anyway if they’re not for slicing up enemies? *Bites*
V26: What are those teeth for if they’re not for killing… *Dies*
V1: Don’t worry, we’re getting at her! Just jump, slash and dodge!
V27: Jump, slash and…
T: What use is it if you don’t do it? *Bites*
V27: Jump, slash… *Dies*
V28 – 30: We’ll kill THE tyrannosaur!
T: Yeah. Me or Nanotyrannus? Nanotyrannus huh? Guess I don’t have to worry. *Stomps* Where are they?
L: Under your foot.
T: *Lifts foot and stares at bloody patch* Giggle. Right.
V31 – V40: Let’s take on her all at once! *Slash*
T: Wow, it’s SOOO comfortable! *Closes eyes in satisfaction*
V31 – 35: We’ll take on the throat! *Climb to Tyrannosaurus’s head and fall down, die*
T: Oh come on, you can do better than that?
V36 – 40: Like THIS? *Slash harder*
T: Yeah, but you don’t have to waste your energy. Bang. *Shoots*
V36 – 40: Not fair… *Die*
L: Let me help. *Eats*
V41 – 45: Hey, we haven’t even attacked yet… *Die*
V1: At her! There are still six of us! We can do it!
V46 – 50: Sure, except you never help!
V1: Oh yeah?
V46 – 50: Yeah!
V1: *Advances*
V46 – 50: KILL HIM! *Start slashing*
V1: Uglug, I’m sorry… *Dies*
T: Cool. Killing your own leader. But I’ll still have to kill you. *Shoots*
V46 – 50: *Die*
Utahraptor1 – 50, Dromaeosaurus1 – 50 & Deinonychus1 – 50: *Burst in* We’ve come to avenge our cousins!
T: Huh? *Glances at Utahraptor* Are you real? Or are you just like that Jurassic Park III Spinosaurus?
Utahraptor1: HAHA! We’re real all right and we’re going to beat you up! CHARGE!
Utahraptor2 – 50, Dromaeosaurus1 – 50 & Deinonychus1 – 50: *Charge and start slashing* We’re going to get back at you for making Velociraptor extinct!
T: Beware the fastest gun in the Cretaceous! *Shoots*
Dromaeosaurus1 – 50 & Deinonychus1 – 50: There aren’t any guns in the… *Die*
Utahraptor1: You can’t defeat US though, Rexy!
T: It’s REGINA, not REX!
Utahraptor1: Oh whatever it means the same thing anyway…
L: Oh no…
L: Yup, that’s worse than calling her a lousy actress…
T: ROARRRRR! *Charges and bites*
Utahraptor2 – 50: AHHH! Help! *Die*
Utahraptor1: Er, retreat! No, counterattack! Defend! Slash! Just save yourselves! *Runs away*
T: Now your turn…
Utahraptor1: Gulp. Please spare me, I’m the only dromaeosaur left….
T: I’ll make your death nice and simple… *Bites*
Utahraptor1: Please~! *Dies*
L: And don’t forget me!

[edit] Episode 4: Snapping Sailbacks

[edit] 1 Tyrannosaurus vs a pack of Spinosaurus

T: Bring it on!
S1: Oh yeah? CHARGE!
Referee: Ready, set, fig…
S1: Shut up. *Slashes*
Referee: *Dies*
L: Hi everyone. *Eats*
S2 – 5: Nooo! We haven’t attacked yet! *Die*
T: Do you still have the gun?
L: Sorry, it disappeared…
S1: Who cares if you’ve got a giant crocodile? Attack!
S6 – 10: Right! *Bite*
T: OK, spinosaurs, let’s see if Jurassic Park’s real or fiction! *Bites*
S6: Real… *Dies*
Spinosaurus Fans: REAL, REAL, REAL!
T: Won’t you shut up? *Eats*
Spinosaurus Fans: You can do it, Spino… *Die*
S7 – 10: Here’s our chance! *Charge*
T: Oh yeah? *Dodges*
S7 – 10: We’ve got her now… *Slam into wall, die*
L: *Applauds with flippers*
T: Thank you.
S11 – 15: Don’t worry, we’ve got her! *Slash*
T: Really? *Charges*
S11 – 15: *Fall down*
T: Wow, they look big but they’re really light!
S11 – 15: Oh yeah? We’re heavier than a tyrannosaur you know!
T: Sure, heavier than Nanotyrannus. *Stomps*
S11 – 15: Glug... *Die*
S20 – 35: HAHA! See if you can handle THIS many! *Bite, slash and charge*
T: Oh yeah? I could handle a zillion of you fish eaters!
S1: Fish eaters!? That’s the worst insult I’ve ever heard! ATTACK!
S20 – 35: OK! *Slash* See those tiny arms? Useless!
T: How about your sails? Useless! *Bites*
S20: They help us warm up you know! *Dies*
T: Well, how come I can warm up without the help of flimsy sails?
L: She has a point.
S21 – 35: We disagree with that point! *Charge*
L: If you do, then… *Eats*
S21 – 30: HAHAHAHAHAHA! We’re bigger than a Tyrannosaurus… *Die*
T: Idiots. They can only eat fish anyways.
S31 – 35: At least our breath doesn’t stink of meat! *Charge*
T: At least MY breath doesn’t stink of fish! *Bites*
S31: At least… *Dies*
Fuzzy: Hi mom! Liopleurodon said I could borrow his gun! *Shoots*
S32 – 35: Wow, a chicken… *Die*
T: You did!?
L: No…
S36 – 40: Get the chicken with the weird stick! *Charge*
T: In case you don’t know, it’s called a gun, not a stick.
Fuzzy: And I’m not a chicken, I’m a T. rex! And that’s the best dinosaur in the world, WHOOHOO! *Shoots*
S36 – 40: Ahhh… *Die*
L: You know, he’s a pretty good shot.
T: What do you mean by THAT!? It’s too dangerous for him!
Fuzzy: The fastest gun in the Cretaceous! *Shoots*
S41 – 45: HELP! The chicken is attacking! *Die*
L: I’d say, he’s doing pretty well.
S1: You fools! Don’t get beat up by a CHICKEN! Get the Tyrannosaurus!
T: Get the Spinosaurus, I say.
S1: Why you…
S46 – 50: GO SPINOSAURUS! *Bite*
T: Oops, you missed…
S46 – 50: *Crash into floor, die*
T: See? You should have used those claws instead of your flimsy jaws.
S1: If they won’t, I will! *Slashes*
T: Sorry, that was a trick. *Bites*
S1: ARRGH! You bit off my arm!
T: Now I’m going to bite off your head. *Bites*
S1: Glug… *Dies*
Suchomimus1 – 50 & Baryonyx1 – 50: *Burst in* We’ve come to avenge our cousins!
L: Not again.
Fuzzy: Meet the fastest gun in the Cretaceous! *Shoots*
Baryonyx1 – 50: Where did the chicken come fr… *Die*
T: And who are you? *Stares at Suchomimus*
Suchomimus1: We are Suchomimus! We come from the Sahara!
T: Get these things away. They stink of fish!
L: Here. *Eats*
Suchomimus2 – 25: Oh, a giant fish. Looks tasty. *Die*
T: Don’t you guys do ANYTHING!? *bites*
Suchomimus26 – 50: Sure we do. We fish and fish and fish… *Die*
Fuzzy: They’re mental.
Suchomimus1: And fish and fish and fish… Hey, where did everyone go? Keep chanting!
L: I’m afraid they’re extinct.
T: Well, almost. *Bites*
Suchomimus1: Hello? Where are you? *Die*
T: Dope
Fuzzy: Yup, I was right. He’s mental.
L: And don’t forget me!
Fuzzy: Or me!

[edit] Episode 5: Huge Heavyweights

[edit] 1 Tyrannosaurus vs a pack of Giganotosaurus

T: Bring it on!
GI1: Oh yeah? CHARGE!
Referee: Ready, set, fig…
GI1: Shut up! *Bites*
Referee: *Dies*
T: Don’t tell me Fuzzy stole your gun again, Liopleurodon.
L: Not this time.
Fuzzy: Really? *Waves gun*
T: Sigh…
GI1: Here’s our chance!
L: Wrong! *Eats*
GI2 – 10: It’s nighttime! *Die*
GI1: Don’t back down! We’re bigger than Tyrannosaurus and we know it!
GI11 – 20: Yes… we… are… bigger… and… better… than… Tyrannosaurus…
T: All brawn and no brain. *Bites*
GI11 – 20: Yes… we… *Die*
T: I can’t believe how easy this is!
L: As easy as plucking an Eustreptospondylus off a rock!
Fuzzy: *Stares*
L: Whatever.
GI1: Attack! Bite! Just kill her!
T: How about you? Or are you just hiding behind your army so you won’t die?
Fuzzy: Army or no army, I’m coming! *Shoots*
GI21 – 30: We hate loud noises! *Die*
T: This is easy.
L: Yeah. *Yawns* Too easy.
Fuzzy: Bam boom!!!! *Shoots*
GI31 – 40: We like chicken… *Die*
L: At this rate there won’t be anything left for me to eat.
GI1: Stop moaning, blockheads! Attack!
GI41 – 50: *Charge*
L: Now THIS is a real battle!
Fuzzy: Bam! *Shoots* The fastest gun in the Cretaceous!
GI41: *Dies*
T: *Bites* I can’t believe it! Their skin is as soft as butter!
GI42 – 45: What’s butter? *Die*
L: *Eats* They taste like butter too.
GI46 – 50: *Die*
GI1: Hey, come back everyone!
T: They can’t come back, dope.
GI1: Oh yeah? You dope!
T: *Bites*
GI1: You… *Dies*
Allosaurus1 – 50: *Burst in* We’ve come to avenge our cousins!
T: Huh, weakies.
Allosaurus1: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?
T: I said weakies, what?
Allosaurus2 – 50: *Bump into Allosaurus1*
Allosaurus1 – 50: *Fall down, die*
T: They just… killed themselves…
L: Clumsy.
Fuzzy: No fun. Mom, can we go fight Gallimimus next time? At least they TRY.
L: And don’t forget me!
Fuzzy: Or me!

[edit] Episode 6: The Final Fight

[edit] 1 Tyrannosaurus vs a flock of Gallimimus, a herd of Pachycephalosaurus and a pack of Velociraptor, Spinosaurus and Giganotosaurus

T: Oh no, they got Fuzzy!
L: Who?
T: The Gallimimus, Pachycephalosaurus, Velociraptor, Spinosaurus and Giganotosaurus!
L: I thought we made all ornithomimids, pachycephalosaurs, dromaeosaurs, spinosaurs and allosaurs extinct!
T: Well… evidentially we haven’t. Let’s go!
L: Sure. As long as I get something to eat!
T: Ah, here’s the cave.
G1: Surprised?
T: I thought I made you all extinct!
G1: Well, you didn’t. Like that? And now we are going to make you extinct!
T: Don’t be silly.
G1, P1, V1, S1 & GI1: Oh yeah? CHARGE!
G2 – 10: But she’s a T. rex for goodness sake!
G1: So?
G2 – 10: We can’t beat a T. rex.
G1: Yes you can!
L: You know what, I agree with Gallimimus 2.
G1: Who are you?
L: I’m just dropping by for lunch. *Eats*
G2 – 10: We told you so! *Die*
G1: Hey, Giganotosaurus 1! You didn’t tell me there was a Liopleurodon!
GI1: Shut up, chicken mimic! *Eats*
G1: *Dies*
G11 – 50: Ahhh, Gallimimus 1 is dead! *Panic, fall into water, die*
T: That was easy. Now “claw” over Fuzzy, or you’re dead!
P1: Hey, you’re the only one that’s going to be dead, Tyrannosaurus!
P2: Attack!
P1: I give the orders, not you!
P2: Sorry!
V1: Attack!
V2 – 50: *Slash*
P2: *Die*
P1: You Velociraptor! Can’t you tell a Pachycephalosaurus from a Tyrannosaurus?
V1: It wasn’t our fault!
P1: Oh yeah?
T: Gee, this is getting easier by the millisecond!
L: Now there won’t be anything for me to eat! *Stomach rumbles*
P3 – 50: *Charge*
V1 – 50: *Slam into wall, die*
P1: If we can beat them, then we can beat a Tyrannosaurus, charge!
P3 – 50: But…
P1: No buts, only headbutts!
S1: I’LL show you herbivores how it’s done! *Eats*
P1 – P50: *Die*
GI1: Hey!
S1: Sorry, I was hungry.
GI1: You just depleted our troops!
S1: I did?
GI1: Yeah!
T: We’d better duck, don’t you think?
L: Right.
GI1: *Charges*
S1: *Charges*
GI1 – 50: *Die*
S1 – 50: *Die*
T: That was fast. Now let’s get Fuzzy.
Robosaurus: *Rushes out* Not so fast!
T: Who are you?
Robosaurus: I’m a Robosaurus! I have the speed of a Gallimimus, the head of a Pachycephalosaurus, the hind claws of a Velociraptor, the front claws of a Spinosaurus and the teeth of a Giganotosaurus!
T: Not to mention their argumentative nature…
Robosaurus: I don’t have an argumentative nature.
T: Yes you do!
Robosaurus: No I don’t!
T: You do!
Robosaurus: Don’t!
Fuzzy: Fuzzy to the rescue! *Shoots*
Robosaurus: *Explodes*
L: *Tries to eat remains of Robosaurus* Hmm, this guy doesn’t taste very good.
Fuzzy: Who are we going to fight next?
L: Nobody! Let’s go eat some Ophthalmosaurus!