
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an essay; it contains the advice and/or opinions of one or more Wikipedia contributors. It is not a policy or guideline, and editors are not obliged to follow it.

Don't-give-a-fuckism is an ism concerned mainly with not giving a fuck. This is not a joke; it's as serious an endeavor as everything else.

The idea is a half-Buddhist idea based on a wikification of two of the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha.[1] Wikisuffering (wikiconflict and wikistress) is caused by wikiattachment (giving a fuck) and can be relieved by Wikidetachment (not giving a fuck). One sign of wikiattachment is prefixing "wiki-" to the beginning of anything and everything - a sure sign that you've lost your mind.

In Britain, it is also sometimes expressed as "can't be arsed." Although the origins of this phrase are shrouded in mystery, presumably because no one could be arsed to write it all down somewhere, it is common in both Scotland and in North West England, and Manchester in particular. It is often spoken by university or high school students whilst sat slumped in a chair, typically in response to suggestions. For example, question: "Did you phone Rachel?" Answer: "No, can't be arsed."

Carl Sagan gets it
Carl Sagan gets it


[edit] Wikipedia and not giving a fuck

Contributors who don't care about Wikipedia help it (and themselves) in many ways:

  • By not caring about Wikipedia, someone is far less likely to act on strong emotions and do something mindlessly stupid.
  • Neutrality comes with detachment. Neutrality is a good thing. (though I've been told I shouldn't have any strong opinions on neutrality)
  • Not giving a fuck also lends itself to ignoring all rules and being bold (and possibly several other silly wikipedia doctrines I don't care to link)
  • Come on... really. This is not a big deal.

[edit] Bad ways to not give a fuck

They are much deadlier in real life
They are much deadlier in real life

Using apathy as rationalization for a dickish action is a patent abuse of the live-and-let-live ethos of Don't-give-a-fuckism. Behaving like an angry mastodon, perhaps stemming from excessively possessive feelings toward an article you have created or edited, is symptomatic of caring too much. Take a deep breath. Count to ten.

[edit] Expressing your don't-give-a-fuckism

Of course, the best way to express apathy is to simply be apathetic, but if you would like to support this essay, you're free to use a spiffy userbox to do so:

Code Result
{{User DGAF}}
DGAF This user does not give a fuck.
{{User DGAF2}}
DGAF This user can't be arsed, and hopes some day you will join us.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ See for example User:Antandrus/observations on Wikipedia behavior, Observation #60: "It is easier to get a sincere 'thank you' for reverting 'you're a faggot' from someone's userpage, than it is for writing a researched, thorough, and referenced encyclopedia article on an encyclopedic topic. The best way to continue as a writing Wikipedian for many years is to be, as the Buddha recommends, 'indifferent to both praise and blame.' Indifference to praise is a hard task for mere humans, but millions of potential anonymous readers demand it of you, for if you require praise you will burn out with one of the fates indicated in No. 59. And remember this: you are allowed to take your work seriously here, and think highly of your own efforts; but be advised, don't talk about it."

[edit] See also