
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Major Contributions

  • Player versus Player - Added paragraphs into the History section, dealing with MUD PvP.
  • Clandestine MUD - Wrote the entire article from scratch.
  • Godwars - Added information about the history of Godwars Derivatives.

[edit] Contact

I'm new to Wikipedia, and may not have the ettiquette down 100%. If I do something wrong - don't yell at me too much. I'm very amiable and would love to comply to community standards - use my Talk page or email me at

[edit] Biography of Relevant Information

My name is Donathin Frye. I was born in January, 1984 - I was born to Wikipedia on June 26th, 1996. I started player-killing on online RPGish-style games at the age of 7, on the browser-based game Hunt the Wumpus. I would run around the "caves" shooting all of the other players with my arrows, instead of the "Wumpus". I would repeat this process until the caves emptied out and I was the only player left alive. My elementary-school online bloodlust expanded as I got older and became familar with online MUDs such as Gemstone and Avalon. As I entered my earliest teenage years, I also became an avid roleplayer in the FFGF/Red Dragon Inn/Duel of Swords venues on oldschool AOL. I began to join the staff of various MUDs at the age of 15, serving as an area builder and combat consultant. I began to focus primarly on my ability to see faults with combat systems and fix them. Since that time, I've worked for over a dozen MUDs, developed independent graphical RPGs on teams, and managed design teams for new games.

Upon graduation of highschool, I was accepted into Pennsylvania State University, where my background in online community and roleplaying led me to study Acting and Sociology. I am currently a graduate of the University, and am pursuing dual careers in both game design and acting(though theatre performing is, ironically, what is actually paying the bills right now).

I am an active, successful PvPer on Guildwars, though I admit that I find MUD PvP combat to generally be more exciting and skill-oriented. I play this particular game, though, for two reasons:

  • I find the combat system to be a step in the right direction for graphical MMORPGs, compared to other titles.
  • I desire to become the best RPG combat designer that I can possibly become.
  • It is important to be very comfortable with graphical MMORPGs if I wish to further future chances of a career in combat design.

I currently am the Advertising Head for Clandestine MUD and Everwar. I am a project manager and combat designer for an upcoming MUD called World of the Dead, which is meant to focus on survival horror and PvP combat, using beautifully unique ascii-mapping instead of written descriptions - in an improved roguelike style of games such as Angband. I am currently also hired as the Head Combat Designer for Wade Gustafson's(a leader of the RPI MUD community) upcoming pay-to-play RPI Sci-fi MUD, Dead6. My combat design contributions to Clandestine, World of the Dead, and the Utopia codebase remain my proudest accomplishments in my past 14 years of MUDing. I was the Guest Speaker on Player-Killing at the 2004 Festival of MUD and remain a very vocal member of the text-gaming community.

After being pulled into the Wiki community quite accidentally, I have decided to make contributions to the history of PvP and text-gaming. My even larger passion of acting may also find me contributing to articles on popular theatres and new, award-winning theatrical literature. I identify PvP, MUDing, and Acting as intregal parts of my life, and that will likely tie me here.

[edit] Extra Stuff

  • I am extremely into music. I spend many nights at bars or concerts, and enjoy listening to live music of many kinds.
  • I'm a competitive Ultimate Frisbee player. I'm also a competitive amateur Fuβball offensive player.
  • I'm largely of Native-American and Irish Descent.
  • I have many recordings of my underground theatrical works here.
  • I have a Myspace account that will give you a better look into my less formal personality here.