Donnie Maclurcan

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Donnie Maclurcan (b. February 17th, 1982, Sydney, Australia) is an Australian fundraiser. In 2002 Maclurcan ran from Perth to Sydney to raise money for The Fred Hollows Foundation.[1]. His 3978km solo run – which began on January 6 and finished at the Sydney Opera House 67 days later, raised over $30,000 and set the Guinness World Record for the fastest journey on foot across Australia.[2]

In 2006, Maclurcan received national exposure through the compilation and launch of 'The Sinking of the SIEV X' [3]- a Case Study for secondary schools. He is currently coordinating Project Australia - a national movement aiming to inform, connect and support people with new ideas, existing and emerging projects and their surrounding communities. He was educated at St Aloysius' College, a jesuit school in Sydney.

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