Donaldson theory

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Donaldson theory is the study of smooth 4-manifolds using gauge theory. It was started by Donaldson (1983) who proved Donaldson's theorem restricting the possible quadratic forms on the second cohomology group of a compact simply connected 4-manifold.

Most of the results of Donaldson theory depend on the manifold having a differential structure, and are false for topological 4-manifolds.

Many of the theorems in Donaldson theory can now be proved more easily using Seiberg-Witten theory.

[edit] References

  • Donaldson, Simon. An Application of Gauge Theory to Four Dimensional Topology. Journal of Differential Geometry vol. 18, 1983, 279-315.
  • S. K. Donaldson, P. B. Kronheimer The Geometry of Four-Manifolds (Oxford Mathematical Monographs) ISBN 0-19-850269-9
  • D.S. Freed, K.K. Uhlenbeck, Instantons and four-manifolds , Springer (1984)
  • A. Scorpan, The wild world of 4-manifolds, ISBN 0-8218-3749-4