Don Fanucci

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Massimo Fanucci (1866- 1920) is a fictional character appearing in the Mario Puzo novel The Godfather and the film The Godfather Part II, sequel to the film based on the novel of the same name. He is portrayed by Gastone Moschin.

According to the novel, Fanucci was a freelance Black Hand extortionist in the neighborhood in which the young Vito Corleone lived at the turn of the century. Fanucci demanded "protection" money from neighborhood businesses, and did not confine his demands to non-Sicilians, which is considered a sign of disrespect in the Mafia. Corleone witnessed Fanucci threaten to disfigure a young girl when her father refused to pay him. He also indirectly lost his own job when Fanucci demanded that his friend Genco Abbandando's father provide employment for Fanucci's nephew, Sandiago (18961940).

Corleone watched Fanucci wander the streets without obvious protection, but took no immediate action. One day while Vito was out driving, Fanucci jumped onto the moving vehicle, and with his index finger outstretched, he exclaimed "Ehhhhh!", possibly to startle Vito. Fanucci explained to Vito that he'd gotten word that Vito, Peter Clemenza and Sal Tessio had participated in several robberies, but had treated him "shabbily" by not allowing him to "wet his beak," or take a substantial cut of their profits. Otherwise, Fanucci says, he'll go to the police. This is when Vito saw a chance to take the Don's place.

When Vito later met with Fanucci, he offered only a fraction of the amount demanded—$100 of the $300 Fanucci expected. Fanucci was impressed with Vito's courage, and offered him work. Vito interpreted his ability to low-ball Fanucci as a sign of the latter's weakness, thus confirming his suspicion of Fanucci's vulnerability.

After the meeting, Vito stalked Fanucci via the rooftops to his apartment down the street. Letting himself in through a topside doorway, he descended to Fanucci's apartment and prepared to execute him. He wrapped the gun in a towel to muffle its report. When Fanucci arrived, Corleone shot him once in the chest and two times in the face, while the solemn processional march played in a nearby parade. The parade matched the event of the Fanucci hit. The music sounds dramatic when Vito enters the apartment building but an uproarious happy sound occurs after Fanucci is killed. After the hit, Vito retrieved the money Fanucci had taken earlier in the day and then destroyed the gun, dropping the pieces of the gun down pipes of the apartment building. Vito, Clemenza and Tessio then took over the neighborhood, treating it with a great deal more respect than Fanucci did, and so earning his neighbors' loyalty.

Unbeknownst to Corleone, his young son Sonny saw his father on the rooftop. However, this fact is not mentioned in the movie, it is mentioned in the book when Sonny is arrested for armed robbery when he was 16. Vito asked Sonny why he committed a crime. Sonny replied he saw what took place on the rooftop after the Fanucci hit.
