Domino tiling

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A domino tiling of a region in the Euclidean plane is a tessellation of the region by dominos, shapes formed by the union of two unit squares meeting edge-to-edge. Equivalently, it is a matching in the grid graph formed by placing a vertex at the center of each square of the region and connecting two vertices when they correspond to adjacent squares.

Domino tiling of a square
Domino tiling of a square


[edit] Thurston's height condition

William Thurston (1990) describes a simple test for determining whether a simply-connected region, formed as the union of unit squares in the plane, has a domino tiling. He forms an undirected graph that has as its vertices the points (x,y,z) in the three-dimensional integer lattice, where each such point is connected to four neighbors: if x+y is even, then (x,y,z) is connected to (x+1,y,z+1), (x-1,y,z+1), (x,y+1,z-1), and (x,y-1,z-1), while if x+y is odd, then (x,y,z) is connected to (x+1,y,z-1), (x-1,y,z-1), (x,y+1,z+1), and (x,y-1,z+1). The boundary of the region, viewed as a sequence of integer points in the (x,y) plane, lifts uniquely (once a starting height is chosen) to a path in this three-dimensional graph, and the region can be tiled if and only if this path closes up to form a simple closed curve in three dimensions.

[edit] Counting tilings of squares

The number of ways to cover a 2n-by-2n square with 2n2 dominoes (as calculated independently by Temperley and M.E. Fisher and Kasteleyn in 1961) is given by

 \prod_{j=1}^n \prod_{k=1}^n \left ( 4\cos^2 \frac{\pi j}{2n + 1} + 4\cos^2 \frac{\pi k}{2n + 1} \right )

The sequence of values generated by this formula for 2n = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, ... :

1, 2, 36, 6728, 12988816, 258584046368, 53060477521960000, ... (sequence A004003 in OEIS).

The calculation of the number of possible ways of tiling a standard chessboard with 32 dominoes is a simple, commonly used, example of a problem which may be solved through the use of the Pfaffian technique. This technique may be applied in many mathematics-related subjects, for example, in the classical, 2-dimensional computation of the dimer-dimer correlator function in quantum mechanics.

[edit] See also

  • Dimer covering
  • Statistical mechanics
  • Mutilated chessboard problem, a puzzle concerning domino tiling of a 62-square subset of the chessboard
  • Tatami, floor mats in the shape of a domino that are used to tile the floors of Japanese rooms, with certain rules about how they may be placed

[edit] References

  • Wells, David (1997), The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers (revised ed.), p. 182, ISBN 0-14-026149-4 .

[edit] External links