Dominique Tricaud

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Dominique Tricaud is a well-known lawyer for being the defense attorney in Paris, France of Ira Einhorn, the famous environmentalist, convicted in absentia of murder. Tricaud claimed he had never lost an extradition case and that "The French will not send a man back to a barbaric country where he was tried without being present to defend himself".[1] Tricaud eventually lost the case with Einhorn being convicted of the murder of his girlfriend, Holly Maddux in the United States. The Einhorn case was featured in the made for TV film The Hunt for the Unicorn Killer in 1999. Einhorn was convicted in the United States in 2001.

[edit] References

  1. ^,8599,168382,00.html+dominique+tricaud&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=ca