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Developed by Dokeos
Latest release 1.8.4 / September 28, 2007
OS Cross-platform
Genre Course Management System
License GPL

Dokeos is one of the largest and most recognized companies dedicated to open source Learning Management Systems. Its main product is a SCORM compliant open source learning suite used by multinational companies, federal administrations and universities in some 60 countries for a total of 1,000,000 users[citation needed].

Dokeos operates on a professional open-source business model based on open code, community development, professional consulting, quality-assurance services, and subscription-based customer support.


[edit] Standards

The Dokeos code is written in PHP, using MySQL as database backend. It already supports SCORM import. User data can be imported into the system using CSV or XML files. Dokeos can add user info and authenticate through LDAP. For the 1.6 release, the Dokeos developer team has put efforts into complying with W3C xhtml and CSS standards. Some JavaScript is still required however, and using SCORM more or less requires the use of frames in the learning path module.

[edit] Development

The development of Dokeos is an international project to which several universities, schools, and other organisations and individuals contribute. The Dokeos development methodology takes elements from extreme programming, usability theory, and collaborative open source development methodology, like the ideas in the Cathedral and the Bazaar.

Specifically, Dokeos is very open. There is a forum, used by Dokeos users for discussion and feedback. The agenda and minutes of all developer meetings are published, and a 'roadmap' is also public. All designs and developer documentation are publicly available on the Dokeos wiki. Everyone who registers can contribute. There are currently 21 developers with CVS write access, other people contribute by sending code through email, forum or wiki.

[edit] Tools

  • SCORM Learning path authoring
  • Templates-based document production
  • Tests : multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, matching, open questions, hotspots
  • Interaction : forums, chats, groups
  • Videoconferencing
  • Conversion of PowerPoint and Impress presentations to SCORM courses
  • Surveys
  • LDAP authentication
  • Gradebook
  • Reservations
  • Users sessions

[edit] Adoption of Dokeos

  • More than 30 languages are supported (some translations are better than others)[citation needed]
  • The largest known Dokeos installation (Ghent University) currently has 28,696 active users and 3,604 active courses (the courses are not created in batch but the teachers decide when and if they create their course). When the results of the exams were released to the students Minerva peaked at 7,197 simultaneous users (28 feb 2006)[citation needed]. More information: or
  • The Vrije Universiteit Brussel has adopted Dokeos under the name PointCarré (referring to the mathematician and philosopher Henri Poincaré), switching from a Blackboard platform to Dokeos in 2005, together with its associated institution Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel.[citation needed]
  • Some companies like Arcelor Mittal, Lutosa or TNG run Dokeos
  • Dokeos is widely used in public administrations : Belgian ministries of Health, Defence, Internal Affairs, Unemployed Services, Federal Police, Spanish ministry of Social Welfare
  • Dokeos offers a free campus to the public, which has reached the 175,000 users registrations in April 2008, with little less than 50,000 monthly visitors.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links