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Doerre's profile: Hi guys I am a 15 year old guy from Melbourne, who supports Collingwood in the AFL and gets an itchy nose from playing high D on my alto saxophone. I am best known for list of Doerreisms once I am finished school it will be for sale. My many nick names include: people who think that they know me "Doerre". Teachers "Chris". Some people at school wanting to find a nickname for me "Doerre Kong (I appear tall to most and they think I am a character in King Kong?) or Big Bird (For eating a seed sandwich on the bus on the way to rowing)". Friends I keep in contact with "CD". At school friends call me Dozza. Or online in chess "BlueGene-Q (Is an IBM super computer) and Doerre". I am the 1 guy with more nick names than Rich and Will. YAY! (non intentionally)
Doerre is a 15 year old from Melbourne Australia and is a keen chess player. Once he finishes school he plans to become a chess teacher and teacher young chess enthusiasts (like Sean or Lawrence). He plans to study commerce (non sex related, check dictionary definition of commerce) at Swinburne University. Once he has finished his course he plans to become a real estate agent.
Doerre's best friends include: Chenny, Oscar, Davo, Caillin and Sean.
List of Doerreisms
List of Doerreisms is a list of quotes compiled by Doerre and Chenny portraying humour in a way never done before. List of Doerreisms was created mid-way through 2006 and the interest in this list of quotes has been overwhelming.
Doerre on TV
A television show in the making is expected in the future to replace "The Wedge". Doerre on TV is a short skit show which is expected to be more successful than other Australian skit comedies which have been failures on free to air in recent time.
Doerre in the library
Doerre on the phone
Doerre in class
Doerre playing online chess