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Sister Ashleia
Sister Ashleia
...and her little dog, too
...and her little dog, too

Sister Ashleia Terletscia is an Abbess of the Holy Sanctum of the Order of McKeown. She formerly labored at a locally based non-profit to better spread the Good Word. She is an alumna of Universitas Nova Eboracum and of Scholae Regina Pacis. Her home base of Arlingtonius Septentrionalis was moved to Cliftonius Commonalis. Her former residence was in the Villa Occidentalis Novis Eboracumis. One of her many sobriquets is the Wicked Witch of the West Village. There are rumors that she is attempting to expand her tyrannical reign to parts unknown (perhaps the toxic lands) and soon thereafter to spread her poisonous propaganda to impressionable young minds.

These rumors, formerly claimed as spurious by the Terletscia News Ministry, have been proven to be true. She can now be found serving as Mistress of Dogma and Propaganda preaching heresy at the Muellbrün Institute.

Preceded by
Queen Consort of Scots and Welsh (in exile)
1985 - present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
foundation of order
Abbess of Order of McKeown
2002 - present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
unnamed bitch
Mother of Charles Patrick
2005 - present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
creation of office
Wicked Witch of the West Village
2005 - 2007
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Sharpe James
The Terror of Essex County
2007 - present
Succeeded by