
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] David Moss

David Moss does not actively edit Wikipedia any more.

Once an active Wikipedian, David became disillusioned when appeals for Admin assistance failed to prevent the Alireza Jafarzadeh article being transformed from a comprehensive biography into a piece of vanity fluff devoid of any material unflattering to the subject. Unfortunately Wikipedia is vulnerable to attacks of this kind from special interest groups. Without adequate Admin support against this kind of vandalism David no longer considers it worth the effort to participate.

Although David will not be an active editor, he will continue to make his WikiCite program available to those who do consider Wikipedia a worthwhile project. He is unlikely to respond to Wikipedia discussion pages, so anyone with any serious bug reports or suggestions for improvement is advised to use e-mail if they want a response. david.moss (at)

[edit] Wikicite

Wikicite is a free program I wrote that helps people to properly reference their Wikipedia contributions. It is written in VB.NET. For detailed information see the Wikicite page.