User talk:Dkace

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Welcome to my Wiki talk.


[edit] KKE

Hi. Can you create something "KKE and WWII" with the structure you suggested? Use your talk page of something to prepare and then we can present it in the KKE talk page. Your idea is good. The problems we have as you may noticed are two:

  • Not many people are involved to the article
  • It's difficult to reconstruct an article

I think you can help with the second part. I don't have much time for that.

Friendly, Magioladitis 22:42, 8 October 2007 (UTC)

I am working on it for a few days now. As I explained I will post it first on the talk page and then we can decide section by section its content. I will try to be as more "neutral" as I can - that's why we have to modify it later on talk page.

Don't think I have plenty of time my self. I asked also from a friend that works his PhD on Modern Greek History to assist. But it will be difficult if people like Rastapopoulos want to apply post-Civil War propaganda. Dkace 13:17, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

I would like to welcome you aboard, and promise that I will do my best in keeping the KKE article balanced and free of "wooden words" :-) Rastapopoulos 14:41, 10 October 2007 (UTC)

LOL!!! You do exactly the oposite ! If this is not wooden word what is it? I was hopping we can agree to a minimum presentation, but you seem to much biased. If I am mistaken then it is for you to prove I am wrong. Make your suggestions on the structure of the article ( KKE-WWII) and we can discuss further. Dkace 18:30, 10 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Warning

Please do not attack other editors. If you continue, you will be blocked from editing Wikipedia.

Dake, this is your second warning. Please read Wikipedia:No personal attacks. You have continued to label and imply that Rastapopoulos is a fascist. This is not permissible on Wikipedia. If I see one more such comment or allegation, then I will report you.
Please also take note of Wikipedia:Three-revert rule. You have already reverted this page three times in the past 24 hours. One more unexplained revert, and you will be reported and possibly banned from editing for 24 hours.
I'm sorry it's come to this, but I did warn you.--Damac 12:03, 12 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Please sign off correctly

Hi Dkace,

Please could you sign off each contribution on talk pages by adding ~~~~ to the end of what you write.

There are two ways to sign your posts:

1. At the end of your comments, simply type four tildes (~), like this: ~~~~.

2. If you are using the edit toolbar option (it appears above the edit screen as a default), click the signature icon (Image:Signature_icon.png) to add the four tildes.

Your signature will appear after you have saved the changes.

The end result is the same in both cases. Typing four tildes will result in the following:

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[[User:Example|Example]] 10:38, 13 June 2008 (UTC) Example 10:38, 13 June 2008 (UTC)

Since typing four tildes adds the time and date to your resulting signature, this is the preferred option for signing your posts in discussions.

See WP:SIG for more info.--Damac 12:08, 15 October 2007 (UTC)

Ok, but I this is what I usally do If I haven't forgot to sign in. I always put the tiles and on the first days I was also adding DKAce manually. I haven't search if I can do the same to the changes in the article, but in history I always see my contribution signed. Dkace 12:25, 15 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] New userbox

Image:Stalin3.jpg This user feels stalinism and fascism are two sides of the same coin Image:Benito Mussolini 1.jpg

I made this after beeing inspired from our discussion on KKE. Joseph and Benito even had the same sense on fashion! I would like your comments :-) Rastapopoulos 09:42, 19 October 2007 (UTC)

You know, you are not even remotely original!!! Check the uniforms of today's "democratic" Italian Army and the one of Moussolini. Are they different? Nope! I believe you lack background on military history of the past 150 years. Otherwise you wouldn't be so oblivious!

On the other hand, not trying to understand the substrate of Political systems such as Socialism and Capitalism you are doomed to make the same epidermic notations. If you are a bit educated you know how to avoid this silly path.Otherwise your opinion will be next to Benny, not Stalin's image. Dkace 10:56, 19 October 2007 (UTC)

As I am a guest in your discussion page I will try hard to remain polite :) My point is that Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler had a lot in common, primarily their rejection of pluralistic democracy and basic political freedoms. On the side, it is amusing to note that these totalitarian butchers all enjoyed dressing up and impersonating military boys, although none of them graduated from a military academy. I dont know where this obsession of tyrants to dress up like uniformed officers is rooted, maybe its a repressed S/M homoerotic thing...Aris Velouchiotis aka miserias by the way was pretty active in this sport, according to an article I read by Elias Petropoulos... έστιβε λαρύγγια, αλλά έσφιγγε και μπουλόνια, άμα λάχει, if you know what I mean :) Rastapopoulos 11:37, 19 October 2007 (UTC)

Επί πλέον, δεν το γυρνάμε στα ελληνικά μιας και στο αγγλικο δεν νομίζω να ενδιαφέρει και πολλούς;Dkace 14:00, 19 October 2007 (UTC)

Explain to yourself, why Che, or Fidel or any other personality of any people's revolution ( such as Stalin) were dressed in uniforms; They managed successfully to contact a revolution and seize power from old ruling class and their "military" trained officers and officials. Their is a line that distinguish dictators and tyrants such as Hitler, Mussolini, Purifoi, Karageorgivits, Chars, Pinosset, Papadopoulos, Metaxas or others, from leaders of people's revolution. People are fighting for their better future, and they "follow" politically these groups that they believe that they will contact the fight successfully -these are communist parties most of the time but also other marxist political formations. On the other hand, Capitalist political system is putting up these puppets such as Hitler et. al. in order to give a popular face to their power and prevent citizens from entering the lines of marxists; Did German Capital lost WWII? Nope! Did Japanese Capital lost WWII? Nope! Did Czech or Polish or Bulgarian industrialists lost WWII? BIG TIME! The story continued as we know, but before accusing a state as non-democratic, you have to explain what is democracy according to your standards. Then you can go on describing other people's political past for ever. But the base should be placed. In my opinion, your political views are not far from those of Hitler - even if you reject that- as you don't disagree with the political system he was serving, you just propose a more "light" path. Dkace 12:40, 19 October 2007 (UTC)

Sorry, but your ideology is much closer to Hitler's: they both favor a collectivist system where there is a strong centralized state that controls everything for the public good, at the expense of the individual and list freedom and dignity. I make no distinction between Peoples' Socialism and National Socialism. A free economy is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for freedom and human dignity. For example, both Nazi Germany and today's China are capitalistic economies but they both share a hatred for political freedoms and usethe political repression of a one-party system as a tool; one was fascist, the other is Marxist. In other words, από τον κώλο στο μουνί, δυό δάχτυλα και κάτι τι!!!. If you do not believe me, try accessing Wikipedia from Peking, or run a Google search on Tienanmen in Shanghai,or publish a blog in Habana or publish an opposition newspaper N. Korea.!! And please not tell me that China today is not Marxist. I am sick and tired of hearing the line that the 'Soviet Union' or 'Albania' were not communist but socialist because communism is an ideal that would take several years down the road. These are theological arguments, remind me of mylate grandmother who warned me on the δευτέρα παρουσία, and the midieval monks who debated about the gender of angels.
Political regimes without pluralism and freedom, but with a vague promise of democracy in the future, are a fraud, the alibi of twisted tyrants who dress up like soldiers, goose-step over their opponents, and decide who stays and who goes. By the way, did the members of KGB and the CP of thε USSR win or lose? Just take a look at who are ruling Russia today and who have the capital in their hands...Rastapopoulos 14:36, 19 October 2007 (UTC)

Exactly that! Socialism is a State that the workers rule but if they don't use security "pins" such as democratic centralism in there political or economical life this will backfire! In Russia, in Czech republic, Poland, Bulgaria ets, the ruling class is the former Communist Party officials that managed to get there hands on the Social State. This is not the physical evolution of Socialism, this is the defeat of all the forms of People's Democracy. You favor these political forces as "the Democrats", "the Liberals" bla, bla, bla. There are the other side of the same coin - that is the political forces of Capitalist State. Your main problem is that you can't understand how people can control their own future ( or you don't want this to happen). By using idiot and old examples - perhaps you have written an essay on these during your school years on a school in England or elsewhere) you are trying to convince yourself for the validity of your perspective. Check your sources: Anti-communists, people that manipulated politics to serve the interests of foreign powers, political pons etc. You are not even using one of source of the other side to cover your perception of history. You think your political view is the "One and Only" erasing thousands of murdered people in Greece and elsewhere, that gave their life for a better future under the banners of Communism. You have no respect for history, that is why you are categorized as a fascist. So, to make the long story sort, you think that by equalizing China with Germany you get a same result: Ok, then what about Greece of 1955 with Germany of 1940? Communists were killed, murdered banned from any work, ended up to concentration camps - all under US guidance- same thing going on in US. And what about latin -America !!! Oh, boy if there is a story there to tell about "liberal" governments favoring oppression. By the way Cuba got rid of one of these and US since are accusing Cuba as an oppressing state!!! This is where 125 countries in the General Assembly of UN start laughing and gave Cuba an award on social state infrastructure.

So it is a matter of perspective. As a genuine capitalist supporter, the only fault for capitalism will be NAZI germany, never NAZI USA! Good luck! I will be in the next demo, preventing worst things to happen for my people! Dkace 07:32, 22 October 2007 (UTC)

It is painful to see people presenting such arguments in the 21st century. Take a moment to contemplate on all the gory crimes your ideology has committed against humanity. Or, at least, take a minute of silence in memory the thousands of your Greek communist comrades killed by KKE in Greece, Bukles (in Vojvodina) and throughout the prisons and psychiatric facilities of eastern block militaristic regimes as Trotskyites, opportunists, agents, liquidationists, archeiomarxists, Titoists, morarchofascists, etc etc etc...too much blood on your Party's hands ... It is not enjoyable for me to further debate with you, I might as well debate with a Grey Wolf of a Christian fundamentalist...So long Rastapopoulos 16:06, 22 October 2007 (UTC)

Leaving in a fictional world, it is indeed very painful to face reality. Go along with democratic allies such as Bush, Blair, Musaraf or whoever you choose. You will still lack the perspective of real world! Take care out there! Dkace 07:31, 23 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Mid-war era

Yes I think it's much better now. Don't you think so? :) -- Magioladitis (talk) 09:50, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

Not yet! It needs refining, more info and more-much more references.But we will make it look much better! D.Dkace (talk) 11:45, 19 December 2007 (UTC)