Districts of Kosovo and Metohija

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Districts in Kosovo and Metohia
Districts in Kosovo and Metohia

Five of the Districts of Serbia are in its Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, with 30 municipalities. Since 1999, UNMIK created 7 Districts of Kosovo and 30 Municipalities of Kosovo.

District Capital Population
in 2002 (rank)
Kosovo District
('Kosovski okrug')
Priština 672,292
Kosovo-Pomoravlje District
(Kosovsko-Pomoravski okrug)
Gnjilane 217,726
Kosovska Mitrovica District
(Kosovsko - Mitrovački okrug)
Kosovska Mitrovica 275,904
Peć District
(Pećki okrug)
Peć 414,187
Prizren District
(Prizrenski okrug)
Prizren 376,085

[edit] UNMIK reform of 2000

Districts and municipalities 1990-2000
Districts and municipalities 1990-2000
Districts and municipalities since 2000
Districts and municipalities since 2000

The United Nations Mission in Kosovo introduced the following changes to the districts and municipalities of Kosovo (UNMIK) in 2000:

District 1990-2000 Municipalities 1990-2000 Current District Current Municipalities
Kosovo District
('Kosovski okrug')
District of Priština
(Komuna e Prishtinës/Prištinski okrug)
District of Uroševac
(Komuna e Ferizajt/Uroševački okrug)
  • Uroševac
  • Štimlje
  • Kačanik
  • Štrpce
Kosovo-Pomoravlje District
(Kosovsko-Pomoravski okrug)
District of Gnjilane
(Gnjilanski okrug/Gjilani District)
  • Kosovska Kamenica
  • Gnjilane
  • Vitina
Kosovska Mitrovica District
(Kosovsko - Mitrovački okrug)
District of Kosovska Mitrovica
(Komuna e Mitrovicës/Kosovskomitrovački okrug)
  • Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Leposavić
  • Srbica
  • Vučitrn
  • Zubin Potok
  • Zvečan
Peć District
(Pećki okrug)
District of Peć
(Komuna e Pejës/Pećki okrug)
  • Peć
  • Istok
  • Klina (bigger part)
District of Đakovica
(Komuna e Gjakovës/Đakovički okrug)
Prizren District
(Prizrenski okrug)
District of Prizren
(Komuna e Prizrenit/Prizrenski okrug)
  • Mališevo (comprising parts
    of Orahovac, Suva Reka,
    Klina, Glogovac)
  • Suva Reka (bigger part)
  • Prizren
  • Dragaš (comprising the
    previous Opolje and Gora)

Serbia protested about the new territorial division and does not see it as legitimate, but by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo administration implemented it regardless of Serbia's protests, because it has such authority established by virtue of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. Similarly the local authorities of Kosovo objected the Serbia nominal sovereignity over Kosovo (also confirmed by the UNSCR 1244) and in 2008 declared unilateraly indepence, but it is not yet recognized by the UN and thus the Kosovo (UNMIK) protectorate continues to function according to UNSCR 1244.

[edit] See also