Districts of Burma

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Burma's states and divisions are divided into 64 districts (kayaing), which in turn are subdivided into townships, that consistally subdivided of towns, wards and villages.


[edit] List of districts by state or division

[edit] Chin State

[edit] Kachin State

[edit] Kayah State

[edit] Kayin State

[edit] Mon State

[edit] Rakhine State

[edit] Shan State

[edit] Ayeyawady Division

[edit] Bago Division

  • Bago District
  • Pyay District
  • Taungoo District
  • Thayarwady District

Template:Bago Division

[edit] Magway Division

[edit] Mandalay Division

[edit] Sagaing Division

  • Hkamti District
  • Kalemyo District
  • Katha District
  • Mawlaik District
  • Monywa District
  • Sagaing District
  • Shwebo District
  • Tamu District

[edit] Taninthayi Division

[edit] Yangon Division

  • East Yangon District
  • North Yangon District
  • South Yangon District
  • West Yangon District

[edit] External uses