Dishwashing liquid

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Dishwashing liquid (BrE: washing-up liquid) is a detergent used to assist in dishwashing. It is also known as dishwashing soap or dish soap. It is usually a highly-foaming mixture of surfactants with low skin irritation, and is primarily used for hand washing of glasses, plates, cutlery and cooking utensils in a sink or bowl.

In the UK, popular brands include Fairy Liquid (made by Procter & Gamble). In the United States, popular brands include Palmolive[1], made by the Colgate-Palmolive Company, and Dawn[2], Joy[3], and Ivory[4], all made by Procter & Gamble.

In some cases, dishwashing liquid is also used to treat birds who have been affected by oil spills.

Also, some dishwashing liquids are used when a diesel fuel is spilled into the water. The dishwashing liquid, when poured onto it, dissolves the spilled diesel and safely disposes of it. Most people rinse the soap off the dishes after washing them, although some leave the soap to dry on the dishes.[5]

A dilute combination of dishwashing liquid with water is often used when blowing soap bubbles.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Palmolive website
  2. ^ Dawn website
  3. ^ Joy website
  4. ^ Ivory website
  5. ^ Petzall, Guy. Industry: Sainsbury's. A Collection of Letters. Retrieved on 2006-04-06.