Disharmony (Angel episode)

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Angel episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 17
Written by David Fury
Directed by Fred Keller
Guest stars Alyson Hannigan
Andy Hallett
Mercedes McNab
Pat Healy
Production no. 2ADH17
Original airdate April 17, 2001
Episode chronology
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List of Angel episodes

"Disharmony" is episode 17 of season 2 in the television show Angel. See List of Angel episodes for a complete list.


[edit] Plot synopsis

[edit] Summary

As the crew of Angel Investigations attempts to track down a gang of vampires in colour-coded cloaks, Cordelia's high school pal Harmony arrives from Sunnydale. Confused about her place in the world, Harmony is attempting to reconnect with Cordelia and retrieve the sense of belonging that she once experienced in high school. Her uncertainty is complicated by the fact that she is now a vampire. Once Cordelia and Angel realise that she has become a vampire, they offer her a role in Angel Investigations.

Not surprisingly, Harmony betrays Angel on her first assignment, when she infiltrates a demonic pyramid scheme run by an inspirational speaker turned vampire. She finds that the scheme, which operates in a rigid hierarchy fueled by feel-good slogans and the promise of plentiful human blood, gives her the sense of belonging that Angel Investigations cannot provide.

[edit] Expanded overview

Angel has a difficult time adjusting to the new situation at the hotel where Wesley has taken over his old office and Angel is taking orders from his new employers. A young couple making out in a car is attacked by something wearing a hood. Angel encounters several obstacles when trying to earn back his friends and their trust. Cordelia makes it very clear that she is still very angry and not his friend anymore. She gets a vision that sends the guys after the couple attacked in their car. Cordelia follows Angel's advice to take the rest of the night off, but as she's leaving, an old friend from Sunnydale, Harmony, shows up.

The girls talk about their lives and how they've both changed, Harmony failing to mention that she's now a vampire. Harmony tells of her recent breakup, and Cordelia invites her to stay at her place while she's in town. Angel, Wesley and Gunn find the car with windows smashed, but run off in another direction when they hear a woman scream. The woman is rescued and the three fight the hooded creature, which is revealed to be a vampire, which is quickly staked by Angel. Upset that Cordy doesn't consider them friends, Angel asks Wesley about buying something like flowers for her, but Wesley responds sarcastically, making Angel feel even guiltier.

Cordelia and Harmony are enjoying themselves immensely as they chat over glasses of wine. Harmony is hungry and tempted by her friend's neck. Later that night, Harmony goes to Cordelia's room while she's sleeping, but when Cordelia wakes she mistakes Harmony's actions as sexual. A phone call to Willow in Sunnydale clears up all the confusion. Willow stresses that Harmony is a vampire, not a lesbian, and cannot be trusted, though Cordelia embarrasses herself by voicing a mild slur before she learns of Willow's new relationship.

Willow calls the hotel and informs Angel about Harmony. He and Wesley rush to Cordelia's rescue only to find that the ladies are getting along like friends, painting each other's toenails. Cordelia discourages them from any plans to kill Harmony as she intends to help her undead friend. Cordelia brings Harmony back to the hotel where she researches the symbol found on the robe. Angel, still attempting to get on Cordelia's good side, agrees that Cordy should be allowed to spend time with her friend. Back at the hotel, Harmony annoys Wesley, and Angel tries to find other clues from Cordelia's vision including a large bird figure she saw. To prevent Wesley from killing Harmony, Angel takes her back to the refrigerator for blood.

Gunn returns having found that there have been humans taken off the streets, and it's concluded that they are taken not for food, but to add to an army of vampires. A vampire speaks to a crowd of robed vampires about his plan, revealing a large cage filled with humans. Cordelia finds that the symbol represents a pyramid scheme started by a motivational speaker named Doug Sanders, and it's assumed that he's now continuing it as a vampire. Harmony accidentally spills her cup of blood onto the keyboard prompting Wesley to demand that she leave immediately. Cordelia takes her desperate friend to Caritas for advice on what path the vampire should take. After Harmony sings poorly on stage, the Host says that Cordelia will guide Harmony to her destiny.

The guys find Cordelia at the bar and request her help in locating the specific building where the vampire group is meeting. Harmony tags along, convinced that her mission is to be good and help people. Arriving at a theater, a bird statue is spotted but appears different than the vision that showed until Angel turns on some lights that illuminate the statue in red, making it recognizable to Cordelia. Before heading in, Angel (unable to not speak up on the matter anymore) tries to tell Cordelia that Harmony is a danger and will betray her, but she reminds him that he betrayed her as well, even with his soul.

Harmony is selected to go inside and pretend that she wants to join the group. While she goes inside, everyone else waits at the back of the building for her to let them in. She arrives late and tells them of the cage filled with people, but when they get inside, the room is deserted, and Harmony betrayed them. She thanks them for guiding her to her destiny as Doug approaches and offers to promote Harmony to a blue robe. Doug threatens the team, but they're up to the challenge and are prepared to kill them all.

Cordelia fights with Harmony while Angel, Wesley, and Gunn take on the few members of the vampire cult that didn't flee, effectively slaying them all. Doug has his head chopped off by Angel. Cordelia pulls two crossbows on Harmony but instead of killing her, she lets her leave, telling her to get out of town. Back at the hotel, Wesley talks to Angel about his difficulties with Cordelia, but things take a sudden turn for the better as Cordelia finds a complete new wardrobe on her desk courtesy of Angel. She hugs him and praises his taste in clothes, making Angel smile and Wesley look disappointed.

[edit] Acting

[edit] Main cast

[edit] Guest stars

[edit] Co-stars

  • Adam Weiner as Caged Guy
  • Rebecca Avery as Caged Girl

[edit] Writing

[edit] Arc significance

Crossover with Buffy: Harmony has come to L.A. after the events of "Crush".

[edit] Continuity

  • The "smothering relationship" that Harmony says she just got out of was her relationship with Spike, which ended in "Crush".
  • This episode marks the time that Cordelia found out that Willow was involved with another woman.

[edit] Quotes

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:

[edit] Production details

[edit] Music

[edit] Translations

  • German title: "Disharmonie" ("Disharmony")
  • Italian title: "Vecchie amiche" ("Old Friends")
  • Spanish title: "Sinarmonía" ("Disharmony")
  • French title: "Amie ou ennemie" ("Friend or foe")

[edit] Timing

  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
Location, time
(if known)
Buffyverse chronology: January 2001 - Spring 2001
(non-canon = italic)
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.12 Checkpoint
L.A., 2001 A2.12 Blood Money
L.A., 2001 A2.13 Happy Anniversary
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.13 Blood Ties
L.A., 2001 A2.14 The Thin Dead Line
L.A., 2001 A2.15 Reprise
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.14 Crush
L.A., 2001 A2.16 Epiphany
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Wisdom of War
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.15 I Was Made to Love You
L.A., 2001 A2.17 Disharmony
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Vengeance
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.16 The Body
L.A., 2001 A2.18 Dead End
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Haunted
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.17 Forever
L.A., 2001 A2.19 Belonging
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Ugly Little Monsters
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy comic: 'Chaos Bleeds' prequel
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy video game: Chaos Bleeds
L.A., 2001 Tales of the Slayer: Again, Sunnydale
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.18 Intervention
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Tempted Champions
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Little Things
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Crossings
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Sweet Sixteen
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.19 Tough Love
L.A., 2001 A2.20 Over the Rainbow
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.20 Spiral
L.A., 2001 A2.21 Through the Looking Glass
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.21 The Weight of the World
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.22 The Gift
L.A., 2001 A2.22 There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Death of Buffy: Lost & Found’
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Death of Buffy

[edit] External links

[edit] See also