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ElectPredator or ProjectPredator of San Antonio,TX
He can best be defined as:
He has Mexican origins, and he plays on Xbox Live a lot. His favorite game is Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy. He has one friend called Wilson who is non-existant. His hobbies include, Chanting "Sith" sayings, beliving he is a ruler of the "Sith", talking to non existant people (I.E. Wilson), and lying to everyone. When I asked him if he had any friends, he said yes. I asked who. The reply was a studdering "Wilson", when I asked for his last name he said, "I dont know and even if I had the information I would not tell you". This leads me to speculation that "Wilson" does not exist in the physical world and only in the imagination on ElectPredator. Further more I find this person Crude and a 2-bit liar and back stabber. And the lard spaketh upon he, and he had sayeth thiseth: "I are smert and the sith shalleth riseth again...eth".