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Single Cell Protein== Single Cell Protein ==

Single Cell Protein

A protein that is extracted from cultured algae, yeasts, or bacteria (microorgainisms) and is used as a substitute for protein-rich foods, especially in animal (and human beings).

Single cell protein can be developed into a very large source of protein(supplementary) that could be used in livestock feeding. In some regions single cell protein could become the main protein source that is used for domestic livestock, depending upon the population growth and the availability of plant feed protein sources. This could develop because microbes can be used to ferment some of the vast amounts of waste materials, such as straws; wood and wood processing wastes; food, cannery and food processing wastes; and residues from alcohol production or from human and animal excreta. Producing and harvesting microbial proteins is not without costs, unfortunately. In nearly all instances where a high rate of production would be achieved, the single cell protein will be found in rather dilute solutions, usually less than 5 % solids. Methods available for concentrating include, filtration, precipitation, coagulation, centrifugation, and the use of semi-permeable membranes. These de-watering methods require equipment that is quite expensive and would not be suitable for most small-scale operations. Removal of the amount of water necessary to stabilize the material for storage, in most instances, is not currently economical. Single cell protein must be dried to about 10 % moisture, or condensed and acidified to prevent spoilage from occurring, or fed shortly after being produced.

The main source of single cell protein SCP can be produced on a number of different substrates, often this is done to reduce the Biological Oxidation Demand (BOD- it is the amount of oxygen taken up by microorganisms to decompose organic waste matter which is present in water)of the effluent streams leaving various type of agricultural processing plants.