Dionís Renart

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Dionís Renart i García (Barcelona, 1878 - Barcelona, 1946) was a Catalan sculptor and astronomer.

He studied at the Llotja School also known as the "Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Barcelona", and later worked at Josep Llimona's workshop. He participated in Exhibitions of Fine Art of Barcelona with (Eva, from 1911 and La Raza, from 1918) and in Madrid with his piece entitled "Alegoría y Retratos", from 1912. He sculpted "Las Tres Marias de la Resurrección de Jesús" in the First Mystery of Glory section on the "Rosario Monumental de Montserrat", which is the way leading up to the Montserrat Monestary which has a number of religious sculptures and symbols. On this "Las Tres Marias de la Resurrección de Jesús" also worked Antoni Gaudí and Josep Llimona. He also worked on ceramic models, jars, medals and jewelery in line with the Art Nouveau style. He also server as anatomical sculptor for Barcelona's Medical School.

As an astronomer he was president of the lunar section of Barcelona's Astronomical Society and organizer of the Exhibition on lunar studies of 1912. He was also author of a map of the moon produced by relief stereographic projection. Today a lunar precinct is named after him.

This article is, entirely or partially, a translation from Spanish Wikipedia.