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This article is about the female Greek-mythology characters. For other uses, see Diomedes (disambiguation).

Diomede is the name of three women in Greek mythology.


[edit] Lemnian

As written in Homer's Iliad, Diomede (Greek: Διομήδης Diomēdēs) was a mistress of Achilles, taken up after the seizure of Briseis by King Agamemnon. Her father was Phorbas of Lemnos. She is mentioned in Iliad 9.665, and appears in Eustathius ad Hom. p. 596 and Dict. Cret. 2.19 under the name Διομήδεια (Diomedeia).

[edit] Lapith

Diomede was a Lapith, and daughter of Lapithes. She married Amyclas and was the mother of Hyacinthus, Cynortes, Leanira, Polyboea, Laodamia, and Daphne.[1][2]

[edit] Phocian

Diomede, daughter of Xuthus. She married Deion, king of Phocis, and was the mother of Cephalus, Actor, Aenetus, Phylacus and Asterodia.[3][4]

[edit] References