Template:Digimon Infobox/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a documentation subpage for Template:Digimon Infobox (see that page for the template itself).
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.

[edit] Usage

This is a generalized digimon infobox - articles will not make use of all the parameters listed here.

The parameters have been grouped as per how they are usually used.

General Parameters
name English name
katakana Japanese name in katakana this line should also be used for Japanese names written in Kanji.
japname Japanese name in romanji (using english letters) this should only be used if the japanese name is different from the english name.
image A picture of the digimon The picture should be at 275px wide (but less if the picture is too tall).
actors Voice actors in Japanese and English Actors should be seperated by the "<br>" tag.
partner Name of Human Partner (if appliable)

Parameters used for articles on single digimon characters
fresh Name of digimon at Fresh level Not all articles will use all of these parameters. These should only give forms actually reached in canon.
in-training Name of digimon at In-Training level
rookie Name of digimon at Rookie level
champion Name of digimon at Champion level
ultimate Name of digimon at Ultimate level
mega Name of digimon at Mega level
mega2 and mega3 used for some digimon with extra evolutions beyond mega
armor1/egg1, armor2/egg2 and armor3/egg3 for the Armor digivolution forms (and their respective digi-eggs). These are used only for the Digimon Adventure 02 digimon character articles. Give only forms actually reached in canon.
DNApartner the digimon with whom this digimon undergoes DNA digivolution with These are generally used only for the Digimon Adventure/02 digimon character articles.
DNAultimate the ultimate digimon resulting from DNA digivolution
DNAmega, DNAmega2, DNAmega3 the mega digimon(s) resulting from DNA digivolution

Special Parameters for the DigiDestined in Digimon Frontier
Hybrid (Rookie) Name of Hybrid rookie form (e.g. Flamemon)
Hybrid (Human) Name of Hybrid human form (e.g. Agunimon)
Hybrid (Beast) Name of Hybrid beast form (e.g. BurningGreymon)
Hybrid (Fusion) Name of Hybrid fusion form (e.g. Aldamon)
Hybrid (Unified) Name of Hybrid unified form (e.g. EmperorGreymon)
Hybrid (Mega) Name of Hybrid mega form (e.g. Susanoomon)

Parameters used for articles on many digimon.
level Level of the digimon use english level names (e.g. "rookie", not "child").
appears any anime/manga/game in which this digimon character appears in. Individual items should be seperated using the "<br>" tag.
from pre-digivolved form(s) of this digimon. If there are more than one, specify where they're from. This doesn't include TCG or game digivolutions unless the digimon appears ONLY in the TCG or the digimon games. Leave this parameter blank if there is no canon pre-evolved form
fromegg for armor digimon, this adds a second line to the "from" box, showing which digi-egg the digimon armor digivolved from
to digivolved form(s) of this digimon. If there are more than one, specify where they're from. This doesn't include TCG or game digivolutions unless the digimon appears ONLY in the TCG or the digimon games. Leave this parameter blank if there is no canon evolved form
attribute attribute for the digimon. In rare cases when a digimon has more than one attribute, seperate then using the <br> tag.
family Digimon card game families Seperated by the "<br>" tag. Do NOT link these.

Additional parameters for Digimon Organizations
founder the founder of the organization
leader the leader of the organization

[edit] See also