Diego Medrano
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Diego Medrano was born in Oviedo (Spain) in 1978. Poet and Narrator.
Begins his literary adventures with the book:
- Los héroes inútiles (The useless heroes) (Ellago Ediciones, 2005)
that is a complete collection of the correspondence that he held with Spain's "damned" writer Leopoldo María Panero.
His first poetry book, also published in 2005:
- El hombre entre las rocas (The man among the rocks) (Arena Libros)
is a sort of writing notebook in which the poetic and the narrative sides entwine.
In the beginnings of 2006, Diego Medrano sees his first novel published:
- El clítoris de Camille (Camille's Clitoris) (Seix Barral)
a subversive novel and very hard to classify.
He also published in 2006, a microstories book:
- Los sueńos diurnos: Manual para amantes, pobres y asesinos (The daylight dreams: instructions for lovers, homeless and murderers) (Cahoba Narrativa)
in which extreme and disfigured characters wander through 300 microstories.
He also works as a columnist for the asturian local newspaper El Comercio.