Die Königin von Saba

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Die Königin von Saba (The Queen of Sheba) is an opera in four acts by Karl Goldmark. The German libretto was by Salomon Mosenthal based on Biblical texts.

Goldmark's interest in the subject of the Queen of Sheba was inspired by a pupil called Caroline Bettleheim, however after a long gestation, the eventual singer who created the role was the powerful dramatic mezzo Amalie Materna, also the first Kundry in Wagner's Parsifal and Brünnhilde in the first Bayreuth Ring.


[edit] Performance history

The opera was first performed at the Hofoper (now the State Opera) in Vienna, on 10 March 1875.

[edit] Roles

Role Voice type Premiere Cast, March 10, 1875
(Conductor: - )
Assad tenor Gustav Walter
Astaroth soprano Hermine von Siegstädt
Baal-Hanan baritone Theodor Lay
High priest bass Viktor Hans von Rokitansky
King Salomon baritone Johann Nepomuk Beck
Queen of Sheba mezzo-soprano Amalie Materna
Sulamith soprano Marie Wilt
Guardian of the temple bass Viktor Hans von Rokitansky

[edit] Synopsis

Set in Jerusalem and the desert, the opera relates to the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, the main story is a love triangle between the Queen, Assad, Salomon's ambassador, and Sulamith, who is about to be married to Assad.

[edit] Sources