Die Judenbuche

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Die Judenbuche ("The Jew's Beech") is a novella written by Annette von Droste-Hülshoff and first published in 1842. The beech tree becomes a significant symbol in the story.

It has been considered as potentially one of the first murder mysteries and is indeed often viewed as a crime thriller or Gothic fiction. The book is full of implications and red herrings while there is no definitive answer as to what actually happened.

The story is based on fact through a 18th century report, given back by Annette von Droste-Hülshoff's uncle, the agronomist and writer August Franz von Haxthausen. The events take place in the "Village B." ("Dorf B.") within the Westphalian mountains, which denotes Bellersen in the former Bishopric of Paderborn, today part of the town of Brakel.

[edit] Characters

Friedrich Mergel

The main character of the novella, whose life we follow from beginning to end. It is never conclusively proved but he is accused of the murder of the Jew Aaron, as he vanished from home afterwards. Friedrich also had to give evidence when the murderer of Brandis is trying to be established.

Margreth Mergel

His mother Margreth (maiden name: Semmler) had married Hermann Mergel. She was his second wife. We learn that she died insane, literally driven mad by the tragic events of her life, mistreated by her husband and abandoned by her beloved son.

Hermann Mergel

Friedrich's father, a drunkard, who beat both his wives, while there is also an implication that he raped Margreth. However he sincerely loved his son and always brought him little treats. Returning drunk in the night, he died of hypothermia during a winter storm when Friedrich was nine years old.

Simon Semmler

The brother of Margreth, a bachelor, who adopts his nephew Friedrich when his father died. He is shown to be a bad influence, as Friedrich's personality undergoes dramatic changes after associating with him. Simon seems to be involved in illegal logging within the surrounding forests. He possibly is Johannes' father.

Johannes Niemand ("John Nobody")

A mysterious character, who seems to become Friedrich's shadow. He is Simon's pig herdboy and it is implied that he is also his illegitimate son. He is very similar physically to Friedrich, as shown when his mother mistakes the two on their first meeting. He and Friedrich disappear on the same day.


A forester who is found dead in the woods with an axe in his head. One reading of the novella is that Friedrich killed him, as they had an unfriendly encounter shortly before and he later frightens when getting confronted with the hatchet, but probably Simon is the murderer, using an old axe of his that Friedrich recognised.


The Jew Aaron was an usoror who lent money to Friedrich. He publicly demands it back at a wedding reception, humiliating Friederich who spent the money to buy a silver watch. Aaron was found slayed under a beech three days later, becoming the second murder victim in the story.

[edit] External links
