Dick Hardt

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Dick Hardt, 2007
Dick Hardt, 2007

Dick Hardt (May 28, 1963) is the founder and CEO of Sxip Identity. He is an advocate of Identity 2.0.

Hardt has spoken at tech events such as Web 2.0, Supernova, Digital ID World, ETech, OSCON, PICNIC, W3C, ISOC, Anti-Phishing Working Group, at New York University (NYU), Harvard and many other locales. He's been interviewed extensively and has been cited in numerous publications including Wired, CNET, InfoWorld, Network World, and BusinessWeek .[citation needed]

Prior to Sxip, Hardt founded ActiveState in 1997. Under his leadership as CEO, ActiveState became a leader in tools for open source programming languages and anti-spam software and was acquired by UK-based security company, Sophos, in 2003 for $23 million.

He is credited with the port of the Perl programming language to Windows. [1], which, at the time, was highly controversial in the open source community. [2]

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