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In mathematics, and particularly in axiomatic set theory, \Diamond_\kappa (S) (diamondsuit or diamond) is a certain family of combinatorial principles.


[edit] Definition

For a given cardinal number κ and a stationary set  S\subseteq\kappa , the statement  \Diamond_\kappa (S) is the statement that there is a sequence \langle A_\alpha: \alpha \in S \rangle such that

  • each  A_\alpha \subseteq \alpha
  • for every  A \subseteq \kappa, \{\alpha \in S: A \cap \alpha = A_\alpha\} is stationary in κ

When S = κ, \Diamond_\kappa (S) is written  \Diamond_\kappa , and  \Diamond_{\omega_1} is written  \Diamond

[edit] Properties and use

It can be shown that ◊ ⇒ CH; also, + CH ⇒ ◊, but there also exist models of ♣ + ¬ CH, so ◊ and ♣ are not equivalent (rather, ♣ is weaker than ◊).

Charles Akemann and Nik Weaver used ◊ to construct a C*-algebra serving as a counterexample to Naimark's problem.

For all cardinals κ and stationary subsets  S \subseteq \kappa^+ ,  \Diamond_{\kappa^+} (S) holds in the constructible universe. Recently Shelah proved that for \kappa>\aleph_0, \diamondsuit_{\kappa^+} follows from 2κ = κ + .

[edit] References

  • Charles Akemann, Nik Weaver, Consistency of a counterexample to Naimark's problem, online

[edit] See also
