Diameter Credit-Control Application

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Diameter Credit-Control Application, DCCA in short, is a Diameter application used for credit control. It is an IETF standard defined in RFC 4006.


[edit] Purpose

[edit] New Command Codes

Currently, in order to support Credit Control via Diameter, there are two Diameter messages, the CCR (Credit Control Request) and the CCA (Credit Control Answer). Command Code for CCR/CCA is 272, as defined in RFC 4006.

[edit] Attribute-Value Pairs

[edit] Command Code / AVP matrix

[edit] AVPs for new command codes

The new Command codes, CCA and CCR, may require some AVPs as indicated below. Bold AVPs are new to DCCA.

Command Code
Attribute Name CCR CCA
Acct-Multi-Session-Id 0-1 0-1
Auth-Application-Id 1 1
CC-Correlation-Id 0-1 0
CC-Session-Failover 0 0-1
CC-Request-Number 1 1
CC-Request-Type 1 1
CC-Sub-Session-Id 0-1 0-1
Check-Balance-Result 0 0-1
Cost-Information 0 0-1
Credit-Control-Failure-Handling 0 0-1
Destination-Host 0-1 0
Destination-Realm 1 0
Direct-Debiting-Failure-Handling 0 0-1
Event-Timestamp 0-1 0-1
Failed-AVP 0 0+
Final-Unit-Indication 0 0-1
Granted-Service-Unit 0 0-1
Multiple-Services-Credit-Control 0+ 0+
Multiple-Services-Indicator 0-1 0
Origin-Host 1 1
Origin-Realm 1 1
Origin-State-Id 0-1 0-1
Proxy-Info 0+ 0+
Redirect-Host 0 0+
Redirect-Host-Usage 0 0-1
Redirect-Max-Cache-Time 0 0-1
Requested-Action 0-1 0
Requested-Service-Unit 0-1 0
Route-Record 0+ 0+
Result-Code 0 1
'Service-Context-Id 1 0
Service-Identifier 0-1 0
Service-Parameter-Info 0+ 0
Session-Id 1 1
Subscription-Id 0+ 0
Termination-Cause 0-1 0
User-Equipment-Info 0-1 0
Used-Service-Unit 0+ 0
User-Name 0-1 0-1
Validity-Time 0 0-1

[edit] new AVPs for base protocol command codes

Command Code
Attribute Name RAR RAA
CC-Sub-Session-Id 0-1 0-1
G-S-U-Pool-Identifier 0-1 0-1
Service-Identifier 0-1 0-1
Rating-Group 0-1 0-1

[edit] Message flows

[edit] Related standards

  • 3GPP Telecommunication management - Charging management - Diameter charging applications.

[edit] External links

  • Diameter Credit-Control Application RFC4006 DCCA
  • 3GPP Telecommunication management - Charging management - Diameter charging applications 3GPP 32.299
  • Open Source Java IMS Diameter Credit Control App solution DCCA