Dialog system

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A dialog system is a computer system intended to converse with a human, with a coherent structure. Dialog systems have employed text, speech, graphics, haptics, gestures and other modes for communication on both the input and output channel. An architecture for a typical spoken dialog system is shown in the figure below.

What does and does not constitute a dialog system may be debatable. The typical GUI wizard does engage in some sort of dialog, but it includes very few of the common dialog system components, and dialog state is trivial.


[edit] Components

There are many different architectures for dialog systems. What sets of components are included in a dialog system, and how those components divide up responsibilities differs from system to system. Principal to any dialog system is the dialog manager, which is a component that manages the state of the dialog, and dialog strategy.

[edit] Types of systems

Dialog systems fall into the following categories, which are listed here along a few dimensions. Many of the categories overlap and the distinctions may not be well established.

[edit] Implementations

[edit] Toolkits and architectures

  • TRINDIKIT dialogue modeling architecture
  • Olympus open-source dialog system toolkit
  • Ariadne Open-source dialog manager
  • ATOM Spoken Dialogue SDK SDK for embedded spoken dialogue systems
  • DIPPER: dialogue prototyping equipment and resources
  • Midiki dialogue toolkit
  • Galaxy dialog systems infrastructure
  • The Universal Speech Interface an artificial language that simplifies automatic recognition (with toolkit)
  • VXML "Voice XML", dialog markup language (primarily for telephony) developed initially by AT&T then administered by an industry consortium and finally a W3C specification. Commercial systems include:
  • AIML NLP system
  • SALT: multimodal dialog markup language developed by Microsoft
  • Suede a minimalist Wizard of Oz prototyper for speech interfaces
  • CSLU Toolkit a state-based speech interface prototyping environment

[edit] Notable systems

See http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dbohus/SDS/, http://www.ling.gu.se/~sl/dialogue_links.html, Dialog (online database)

[edit] Academics

The study of dialog systems is commonly considered a branch of human-computer interaction, although its origins are generally rooted in the automatic speech recognition community. Current trends are putting more research emphasis on aspects of psychology and linguistics.

[edit] Topics

[edit] Conferences

[edit] Related conferences

[edit] Related journals

Historically, there were no journals devoted specifically to dialog systems. To address this need the Journal of Dialog Systems has been launched: the first journal dedicated particularly to dialog systems, with the goal of becoming the premiere international journal in the field.

There are also a number of related journals that often have dialog systems articles.

  • ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing
  • Computers, Speech, and Language
  • Journal of Cognitive Systems Research
  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Cognitive Science
  • International Journal of Speech Technology
  • User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
  • Natural Language Engineering
  • Computers in Human Behavior
  • ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction

[edit] Books

[edit] References

  • Will, Thomas (2007). Creating a Dynamic Speech Dialogue. Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller. ISBN 978-3836449908. 

[edit] External links