Dia de la candelaria

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In Mexico on the Candlemas (Spanish: Día de La Candelaria) the people who found the baby Jesus doll buried in their piece of a King Cake (Spanish: Rosca de Reyes) on January 5, the night before Three Kings Day, must throw a party on this day for everyone else who ate the same King Cake. Traditionally tamales and atole are served.

Also, in certain regions of Mexico, the finder of the baby Jesus doll must present a baby Jesus representation in the local temple. This child must be dressed with fantasy luxury traditional Mexican clothes.

[edit] References

  • Verti, Sebastián (1991). Tradiciones Mexicanas. Mexico, D.F.: Editorial Diana S.A.de C.V., pp. 22, 31. ISBN 9681322037. 
  • (1998) Fiestas de México, 4a ed. en español, Mexico, D.F.: Panorama Editorial S.A. de C.V., pp. 76. ISBN 9683800483.