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Dharmakṣema (曇無讖, 曇無羅讖 tán-wú-chèn, translated 竺法豐 zhú fǎ-fēng; AD 385-433) was a Buddhist monk, originally from Central India, who went to China after studies in Kashmir and Kucha. Arriving in Guzang, Northern Liang in 412, he became one of the most prolific translators of Buddhist literature into Chinese. He returned to Khotan in 422 and again to Guzang, and was killed on another journey to the West in 433 or 436.

He translated 19 scriptures in 131 fascicles, including

  • 涅槃經 Nirvana sutra
  • 文陀竭王經 Wentuojiewang jing
  • 悲華經 Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka-sūtra
  • 大方廣三戒經 Trisaṃvaranirdeśaparivarta-sūtra
  • 大般涅槃經 the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra, 40 fascicles in 414-421
  • 大方等無想經 Mahāmegha-sūtra
  • 金光明經 part of the Suvarṇaprabhāsa-sūtra, 4 fascicles in 414-426
  • some chapters of 合部金光明經 Suvarṇaprabhāsa
  • 優婆塞戒經 Upāsaka-śīla-sūtra
  • 菩薩戒本 Bodhisattva-śīla sūtra)
  • 菩薩地持經 Bodhisattvabhūmi, 10 fascicles between 414 and 426
  • 楞伽經, Laṇkāvatāra sūtra (lost)
  • 大方等大集經 Mahasamnipata Sutra, (Great Collection of Sutras), 60 fascicles in 414-426
  • 佛所行讚 Buddhacarita, 5 fascicles
  • 優婆塞戒經 Upasakasila Sutra, 7 fascicles.

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