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Dezerter founded as SS-20 in 1981 in Warsaw is one of the most popular punk bands from Poland. They had to change their original name to Dezerter because of the reaction of the Communist authorities (SS-20 was a Soviet rocket and this name was regarded too provocative by the government).

Dezerter at the Off Festival, 2007
Dezerter at the Off Festival, 2007

Dezerter debuted during the Mokotow Musical Autumn Festival, in November 1981. In 1982, together with other Polish punk-rock bands (TZN Xenna and Deuter) it went on a tour across the country, also playing in the 1982 Jarocin Festival). In 1983 Dezerter recorded a 7"EP "Ku przyszlosci", with four songs ("Ku Przyszlosci" - ("To the future"), "Spytaj Milicjanta" - ("Ask a militiaman), "Szara rzeczywistosc" - ("Drab reality") and "Wojna glupcow" - ("War of fools"). The record was issued by the state label Tonpress and it was very warmly welcomed by fans, with phenomenal 50 000 copies sold. With fast guitar riffs and intelligent lyrics written by Grabowski, Dezerter's concerts have drawn thousands of fans and its LPs were very popular, especially in the late 80s and early 90s.

The most famous Dezerter's live appearance took place during the 1984 Jarocin Festival in Jarocin, Poland and it was attended by some 20,000 people. The concert was recorded and later parts of it were released on an LP "Underground out of Poland". The LP was produced by Joey Shithead, vocalist of a Canadian band D.O.A.

Dezerter however is not widely known in other countries perhaps because the band refrains from singing in the English language. However, the band played in several European countries and Japan. Currently it consists of three members - Matera, Grabowski and bassist Jacek Chrzanowski.

[edit] Members

The two founding members (Matera and Grabowski) were students of Warsaw University of Technology

  • Robert "Robal" Matera - guitar, vocal,
  • Krzysztof Grabowski - drums,
  • Jacek Chrzanowski - bass.

Other members in the band:

  • Stepa" (Darek Stepnowski) - bass, vocals
  • Skandal" (Darek Hajn) - vocals, until 1985 (deceased: OD)
  • Pawel Piotrowski - bass, vocals,
  • Tony von Kinsky - bass, vocals.

[edit] Discography

  • Underground Out Of Poland (1987)
  • Kolaboracja (album) (1987)
  • Kolaboracja II (1989)
  • Wszyscy przeciwko wszystkim (1990)
  • Blasfemia (1992)
  • Jak powstrzymałem III wojnę światową czyli nieznana historia Dezertera (1993)
  • Ile procent duszy (1994)
  • Deuter (1995)
  • Mam kły mam pazury (1996)
  • Kolaboracja II (1997)
  • Legowisko nieznanych wytworów mej wyobraźni (1997) z Trafiką Dżajant
  • Ziemia jest płaska (1998)
  • Decydujące starcie (2001)
  • Nielegalny zabójca czasu (2004)
  • Punk not jazz (2006)

[edit] External links
