Dewan Mulraj

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Dewan Mulraj was a 19th century ruler of Multan


[edit] History

[edit] Conquest of Multan

In the 19th century, theSikh ruler Ranjit Singh conquered Multan. The ruler of Multan, Muzaffar Khan Saddozai was defeated and killed. His death marked the end of Muslim rule in Multan.

[edit] Rule of Dewan

The new general of this area was now Diwan Sawan Mall, a Punjabi Brahmin, who was known to be one of the most able and powerful Hindu rulers of his time. He amassed enormous wealth and became a threat to the sovereign. His sons, Dewan Mulraj and Karan Narain, were well looked after. The first son, Mulraj, became the Governor of Multan, after his father had been assassinated. His younger brother rose to being a general of the highest order under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and was awarded the titles of Sardar (High Noble), Bakshi (Benevolent) by the Maharaja.

[edit] British conquest

However, Dewan Mulraj's rule did not last long, as the British were eventually provoked into checking his strength in Punjab. After a long and bloody battle, Multan was made part of the British Raj. During this time, Sardar Karan Narain's son became an icon and was awarded the titles 'Rai Bahadur' and knighted Queen Victoria. It is believed that one of his descendants lives in America. The British built some rail routes to the city, but its industrial capacity was never developed.