User:Devstef/supreme goddess lorena

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Supreme Goddess Lorena is active as a philosopher and trainer in the field of Female Supremacy. The basic rule of her philosophy is that by law of nature women are superior and men are inferior. Within this philosophy she promotes a lifestyle where the (inferior) men serve the needs of the (superior) women. As a trainer, she offers many training programs that train men in their submissive roles. Recently, she does research into the spiritual foundations of Female Supremacy.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Childhood and adoloscence

Supreme Goddess Lorena was born on September, 8, 1966. Her mother named her after the main character of the novel ‘Lorena’ by Frank G. Slaughter, she read during her pregnancy. This novel portrays a strong woman, surviving the odds of the American Civil War. Maybe the mother wanted to send a message to her daughter to be a strong and independant woman.

‘Power relations’ were important in her early development. She experienced the abuse of male power by her father. In her relationships with boys who courted her, she became aware of her natural dominance over men, even before she could name it. Due to her family situation, she was obliged to be an independant woman at an early age.

[edit] Young adulthood

As a young adult Supreme Goddess didn’t settle right away in society. As a creative person in different fields, it was difficult for her to find a job doing honour to her creativity. After some odd jobs she worked a few years as a professional dominatrix. She developed all the skills of a good mistress, but felt disgusted after a while about the so called ‘slaves’ who were fullfilling their fetishes instead of serving the mistress. After she ended her carreer as a professional dominatrix, she began to design fashion clothing giving comfort to superior women.

[edit] Adulthood

A great change came in her life when she decided to write her novel ‘Femaria, City of Women’ (1999). Writing this novel, she understood that female dominance is not about the fetishes of men, but can be the guiding principle for a society where women can live peacefully and close to their inner strenght, while using slaves to serve all their needs.

Since that moment Lorena gave herself the title of Goddess and she started her mission to guide people (women and men) to the philosophy and the lifestyle she depicted in her novel. She understood the great possibilities of the then spreading internet and started a community and resource website on female supremacy and goddess worship (1999). As she became aware of the need of men for specific training in submission and servitude, she started the website (2004).

[edit] Recent developments

Recently, Supreme Goddess Lorena became more interested in spirituality as a specific dimension of female supremacy. She explores different traditions like egyptian goddess cults, mayan traditions and the role of Mary and Mary Magdalene in early christianity.

By different signs and prophecies and by coming closer yet to her inner strength she becomes aware she is a messenger. But at the moment she is in a latency phase. She studies different sources and encourages her slaves to worship her, so that she can grow in strength.

[edit] Philosophy

[edit] Female Supremacy

Because Supreme Goddess Lorena still lives and works, her philosophy develops every day. The main principles can be summarized in the few paragraphs below.

The general principle of Female Supremacy is that all women are superior and all men are inferior. Generally, women are life giving and nurturing, while men are life taking and destructive. If left to their own, men make this earth a worser place. By submitting to women and spending their energy to serve the superior needs of women, a better world for all (women and men) can develop. Women have a better life, because they are served in their needs. Men have a better life because they can stop being aggressive against women and against each other.

Women are naturally superior and dominant, but patriarchal society and education suppress these forces. So, women have to learn how they can make contact with their inner strength and how they can free their superiority and dominance. Men are naturally inferior and submissive, but patriarchal society instaured the logic of the penis and hence disrespect to women and aggression towards other men. Women who have found their inner strength can train men, so that they make contact with their submissive self and grow in servitude.

Female Supremacy is a basis for healthy relationships between women and men. This can be couple relationships (a marriage of a dominant woman with a submissive man), or a woman who decides to own a slave stable or communities like the one depicted in ‘Femaria, City of Women’. In a well developed female supremacy relationship the woman owns the man/men as a slave. This means that she has total control over his/their body, mind and soul.

[edit] Lorenaism

The title of Goddess has a specific meaning within the philosophy of female supremacy as developed by Supreme Goddess Lorena. A Goddess is a woman who is fully aware of her superiority, who uses in real life her dominance to make men serve her needs and who has the power (practical as well as spiritual) to guide other people on the path of female supremacy.

In this sense Supreme Goddess Lorena certainly is a Goddess. She may call herself the Supreme Goddess because she is the founding mother of a specific branch of female supremacy and she has a leadership position in the current ‘wave’ of female domination.

In her philosophy Supreme Goddess Lorena stresses the importance of spirituality in female supremacy. By opening up to that spiritual dimension, female supremacy is rooted in the cult of mother earth. Because Supreme Goddess Lorena is endowed with spiritual power, she invites men who become aware of their submissiveness to worship her through specific rituals. This creates the opportunity for men to feel the spiritual power of Supreme Goddess Lorena and to make contact with the spiritual dimension of female supremacy. This spiritual dimension of female supremacy is called Lorenaism. Sometimes Lorenaism is used to denominate the total philosophy of Female Supremacy as developed by Supreme Goddess Lorena.

[edit] Lorenaism and other movements.

Although specific in many aspects, Lorenaism is developed in close contact with other social and religious movements. By situating Lorenaism on the ‘crossroad’ of these other movements we can come to a closer understanding of its specificity. We choose three important movements: feminism, bdsm and neo-pageanism.

[edit] Lorenaism and Feminism

Supreme Goddess Lorena certainly is a feminist. She advocates for women’s rights and actively engages in actions. But at the same time she questions the ‘equal rights’-basis of the feminist movement. She considers it as the ultimate disguise for persistent discrimination of women by men.

In the lorenaist view a true understanding of women’s right must take into account that women have superior needs. It is better that men serve these needs of women, so that they can be diverted of serving their own lowly needs. Ultimately this means women have the right to own men as their slaves, while this right is by no means reciprocal.

[edit] Lorenaism and Bdsm

Bdsm is a broad movement of people who link sexuality and the use of power relations in their practises. Sometimes these practises are defined as a ‘play’ (apart from real life), sometimes these practises are part of ‘real life’. As a broad movement bdsm is ‘gender neutral’: the dominant role in the relationship can be for the man of the woman, as can be the submissive role, in any possible combination.

Bdsm certainly played a role in the development of Lorenaism. Supreme Goddess Lorena was a professional dominatrix for some years, and looking backwards that was certainly a ‘necessary but insufficient’ step to become aware of her superiority and of the way she can use her power. Even now Supreme Goddess Lorena considers the bdsm scene as a great place to play and to experiment with her different persona’s of a dominant woman, catwoman being one of her favorites.

But Lorenaism is also a severe critique of the current bdsm scene. First point of attack is the ‘gender neutrality’ of bdsm. It is clear that Lorenaism is about the natural superiority of women. The fact that men can have a ‘dominant’ role and women can have a ‘submissive’ role on the current bdsm-scene, is reinforcing the rules of patriarchal society. Second point of attack is the ‘fetishism’ of the current bdsm-scene. Even if a woman has the dominant role and the man has the submissive role, a great part of the ‘play’ or the ‘real life relationship’ is about the fetishes of the man, not about the true obedience of the man towards the woman and not about the servitude of the man to the superior needs of the woman. Third point of critique is that within the bdsm-scene there is an almost complete neglect of the spiritual dimension of power relationships. In that sense the bdsm scene is borned to a flat ‘culture of the human body’, but fails to link this ‘body culture’ to deeper spiritual values.

[edit] Lorenaism and neo-paganism

Neo-paganism is a broad umbrella that covers many spiritual movements seeking their inspiration in ancient or non western traditions. Lorenaism certainly is a neo-pagan religion. There is a direct link with ancient Egypt traditions like the cult of the Goddess Isis. Within the current development of Lorenaism coming to terms with the true position of Mary and Mary Magdalene in early christian cult is an issue yet to be ettled.

The specific place of Lorenaism with neo-paganism is that the divine is in feminity. Feminity is not an abstract power, or is not the be searched in a world outside humanity. Every woman carries feminity. Women who are truly aware of their divine feminity and who radiate female power are goddesses. Female power is life giving, and so by radiating female power women come close to the forces of nature. By worshipping these goddesses men are turned away of the bad (destructive) powers within themselves. By mediation of the goddess he serves and worships, a man can come closer to the forces of nature.

[edit] Resources

[edit] Novel ‘Femaria, City of Women’

The novel ‘Femaria, City of Women’ (1999) is a classical utopian story. It describes the ‘ideal’ city, governed by the laws of Female Supremacy. Like almost all classical utopies, the city has few contact with the outside world and is autocratic in nature. The political regime of Femaria is that of enlighted despoty: the Queen has absolute power, but rules for the benefit of every one. The economy of Femaria heavily builds on the traditional crafts and the creativity of women.

From a male perspective, ‘Femaria’ can be read as a journey into submissiveness. Of course this journey starts with resistance and rebellion, and hence submisseveness must be enforced by punishment. But as affection and devotion to the superior women (especially the Queen) grows, submissiveness becomes a more natural state. Finally, there is acceptance of the natural lowly place of the male in the harmonious society and creative civilization of superior women.

[edit] Cinematography

Supreme Goddess Lorena directed and acted in 20 movies. Some are basic instructional and training movies with an emphasis on the right attitude to serve and worship women (e.g. How to worship a Goddess). Others explain in detail the practical details of serving a woman in her superior needs (e.g. Bathing a Woman) and a last categorie shows female supremacy relations in action (e.g. Ladies Tea Party).

[edit] Website ‘’ is a (completely free) community and resource site on female supremacy. It has a small but exquisite gallery of goddess worship pictures and of lorenaist artwork. It has a large collection of articles on female supremacy. Trainees and slaves of Supreme Goddess Lorena talk freely about their training and their worshipping. Through her diaries Supreme Goddess Lorena keeps those interested posted about recent developments in her spiritual quest.

[edit] Website ‘’ is specifically designed for training purposes. Training programs are offered for a flat fee.Basic training consists of obedience, servitude and goddess worshiping training. Among the more specialized training programs, the sissy maid training, the work slave training and the sex slave training can be mentioned. E-mail training is most popular, although there is also possibility for phone training and personal training.

[edit] Weblinks (community and reference site)[[1]] (training site)[[2]]