Devgarh, Maharashtra

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Devgarh, also known as Devgad or Deogarh, is a coastal city in Sindhudurg District of Maharashtra state in western India. Devgarh is located on the Arabian Sea in the coastal Konkan region of Maharashtra, south of Mumbai. It is noted for its harbor, its fine beach, and a lighthouse built in 1915 on historical Deogad fort. One of the toughfest & biggestFORT VIJAYDURGA alias GHERIA ruled by Shilaharaj King Raja bhoj who constructed the fort later on ruled by Adilsha & finally by King Shivaji&lastly Angres, Peshwas is the Indias national monument is situated at the distance of 45minutes by road from main city of Deogad. This FortVIGAYDURGA was seen by British, Dutch,Portuguese army men's & travellers 400 years back & till today by the foreign tourists. Nearest Konkan railway station is Kankavli on Mumbai-Goa road.from Kankavli one can get autorickshaw, state buses transport to reach Deogad-Vijaydurga.

It is also famous in India for supply of Pure Alphonso Mango Cultivation/Farming and the Whole Developments have been evolved due to undertaking of the Cultivation of Alphonso Mango Farming. Majority of Farmers have started coverting from the regular rice cultivation to Mango Cultivation activities in Western Konkan Region of Maharashtra alongsinde the Arabian Sea Western Coast. Due to calous approach of Indian (On the contrary Maharashtra State Government) Government most of the famous ports have been kept undeveloped hence major source of transportation through Sea is left untapped yet and the same needs to be developed to a larger extent. Fishing is carried out on large scale in the sea as well as in the creeks through out Deogad taluka region.the staple food of this region is mainly rice & fish. The historical temple of Lord Shiva namely Kunkeshwar lies on sea bouandries which was build by Arab Muslim traveller (local says) Wind mill projects installed at Vijaydurga, Deogad .Famous Goddes DEVI BHAGWATI temple situated at the bottom of mountain at village MUNGE. for more information email