Developmental psychopathology
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Developmental psychopathology is the study of the development of psychological disorders, such as psychopathy, autism, schizophrenia and depression, with a lifecourse perspective.
Developmental psychopathology is a sub-field of developmental psychology characterized by the following (non-comprehensive) list of assumptions:
- Atypical development and typical development are mutually informative. Therefore, developmental psychopathology is not the study of pathological development, but the study of the basic mechanisms that cause developmental pathways diverge toward pathological or typical outcomes;
- Development leads to either adaptive or maladaptive outcomes. However, development that is adaptive in one context may be maladaptive in another context;
- Developmental change is influenced by many variables. Research designs in developmental psychopathology should incorporate multivariate designs to examine the mechanisms underlying development;
- Development occurs within nested contexts (see Urie Bronfenbrenner);
- This field requires that development arises from a dynamic interplay of physiological, genetic, social, cognitive, emotional and cultural influences across time.
[edit] See also
- Child psychopathology
- Psychopathology
- Child Development for behavioral models of antisocial behavior