Deutscher Brauer-Bund

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Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.V. (DBB, "Germen Brewers Federation"), based in Berlin is "a federation of federations", in which the members are not individual brewers but only technical and regional federations of members. Deutscher Brauer-Bund is a member of the Brewers of Europe.


[edit] History

The Deutscher Brauer-Bund (DBB) was founded in Dresden in July 1871, shortly after proclaiming the Deutsches Reich. Its purpose of establishment purpose was, as it was called "Beratung der gemeinschaftlichen gewerblichen Interessen, Wahrung derselben sowie Vervollkommnung und Hebung des Gewerbes selbst im Wege freier Diskussion".

[edit] Tasks

  • Perception and promotion of the common interests of the entire brewing economy in the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Promotion of a fair and the fight of the mean competition
  • Promotion of exchange of experience; in particular, in economic, legal, and technical areas
  • Preservation and promotion of the good reputation of German beer and installation for the receipt Reinheitsgebot

[edit] Members

[edit] Regional Federations

  • Bayerischer Brauerbund e.V. (Bavaria)
  • Brauersozietät Mitte (Central Brewers Society)
  • Sozietät Norddeutscher Brauereiverbände e.V. (Partnership of North Germans Brewery Federations)
  • Süd-Westdeutsche Brauersocietät (South West German Brewers Society)
  • Verband Rheinisch-Westfälischer Brauereien e.V. (Federation of Rhenish-Westphalian Breweries)

[edit] Professional Associations

  • Verband bayerischer Ausfuhrbrauereien e.V. (Federation of Bavarian Export Breweries)
  • Verband der Ausfuhrbrauereien Nord-, West- und Südwestdeutschlands e.V. (Federation of Export Breweries of North-, West and Southwest Germany)

[edit] The Ambassadors of Beer

Since the year 2002 Deutscher Brauer-Bund has appointed on "the Day of German Beer" on 23 April " the Ambassadors of Beer". This honor receives persons, who put an unusual commitment to the day. This commitment can be for example an energetic and exemplary employment for the German beer or special honorary, vocational, social or political activities or trend-setting initiatives.

[edit] External links
