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Desertec is the name of a proposed large scale solar power project. Under the proposal, solar thermal energy collectors (not solar cells) would be located in the deserts of North Africa, and would provide Europe with one sixth of its electricity. It could take 30 years to build, and cost more than £200 billion.[1]

Early in the 2000s, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU) commissioned and funded the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute for Technical Thermodynamics (see technology, thermodynamics) for three studies[2][3][4] to evaluate the following:

Two studies, one on concentrated solar power (CSP) for the Mediterranean Basin,[2] the other on trans-Mediterranean interconnection and infrastructure,[3] have been completed.[5][6] As of mid-2007, the third study of CSP for the desalination of seawater is in progress.[4]

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