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 // originally from [[User:DerHexer]]
 // get URL parameters (used for page type variables)
 var UrlParameters = new Array ();
 function readparams() {
  var asReadInUrlParameters;
  var asReadInUrlParameter;
  // Get URL parameters
  asReadInUrlParameters =,"&");
  for (i = 0; i < asReadInUrlParameters.length; i++) {
    asReadInUrlParameter = asReadInUrlParameters[i].split("=");
    UrlParameters[decodeURIComponent(asReadInUrlParameter[0])] = decodeURIComponent(asReadInUrlParameter[1]);
 if(!usersignature) var usersignature = '\~\~\~\~'         //standard signature
 if(!automaticblock) var automaticblock=false;
 if(!automaticwarning) var automaticwarning=false;
 function fillActionPageRevert() {
   if (UrlParameters["blockreason"] > "" && UrlParameters["blockduration"] > "") {
     document.forms["blockip"].wpBlockReason.value = UrlParameters["blockreason"];
     document.forms["blockip"].wpBlockOther.value = UrlParameters["blockduration"];
     var blocktime = UrlParameters["blockduration"];
     var isBlocked = UrlParameters["title"].replace(/Special:BlockIP\//, '');
     if (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) == -1) {
        if (prompt('Are you sure to block, ' + isBlocked + ' ?','ja')) {
         var newurl = "" + isBlocked + "&action=edit&addtemplate=2";
         if(automaticblock) { window.setTimeout(function() { document.forms["blockip"]; }, 100); }
     } else {
       var newurl = "" + isBlocked + "&action=edit&addtemplate=1&blockduration=" + blocktime;
       if(automaticblock) { window.setTimeout(function() { document.forms["blockip"]; }, 100);}
     if(automaticblock) { if ((UrlParameters["blockduration"] != 'infinite') || (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) == -1)) { window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = newurl; }, 1000); } }
   if (UrlParameters["diff"] > "") {
     function searchRollbackLink() {
       var tds = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
       for (var i=0; i<tds.length; i++) {
         var td = tds[i]; 
         if (td.className != "diff-ntitle") continue;
         var as = td.getElementsByTagName("a");
         for (var j=0; j<as.length; j++) {
           var a = as[j];
           if (!/.*action=rollback.*/(a.href)) continue;
           var newlink = document.createElement('a');
           a.setAttribute('accesskey', "s");
           newlink.setAttribute('href', a.href);
           var EditTextNode = document.createTextNode("normal rollback");
           as[j].parentNode.insertBefore( newlink, as[j].nextSibling );
           as[j].parentNode.insertBefore( document.createTextNode(' | '), as[j].nextSibling );
           return a;
       return tds;
     function RollAndSpam(rolluri) {
       location.href = rolluri;
       var backrolled = rolluri.split("from=")[1].split("&token=")[0];
       var vandalizedpage = wgPageName;
       var uri = " talk:" + backrolled + "&vandalizedpage=" + vandalizedpage + "&action=edit&spam=1";
       window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = uri; }, 500);
     var revlink = searchRollbackLink();
     revlink.onclick = function() { RollAndSpam(revlink.href); return false; }
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       var splitted = document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value.split("<!--");
       var lastsplitted = splitted[splitted.length-1];
       var now = new Date();
       var actual_time = now.getTime();
       var last_time = lastsplitted.match(/([\:\d]+)\, (\d+) ([^\d]+) (\d+)/);
       var last_timestamp = Date.parse(RegExp.$2 + " " + RegExp.$3 + " " + RegExp.$4 + " " + RegExp.$1 + ":00 GMT");
       var difftime = last_timestamp + 86400000 - actual_time;
       if (!difftime) {
         var now = new Date();
         var actual_time = now.getTime();
         var last_time = splitted[splitted.length-2];
         if (last_time) last_time = last_time.replace(/.*\]\]/g,'').match(/([\:\d]+)\, (\d+) ([^\d]+) (\d+)/g);
         var last_timestamp = Date.parse(RegExp.$2 + " " + RegExp.$3 + " " + RegExp.$4 + " " + RegExp.$1 + ":00 GMT");
         var difftime = last_timestamp + 86400000 - actual_time;
       var matchedtemplate = lastsplitted.match(/uw\-([^\d]*)(\d)/);
       var matchedtemplatename = RegExp.$1;
       var matchednumber = RegExp.$2;
       var matchedtemplate2 = lastsplitted.match(/Template\:Test(\d)/);
       var matchednumber2 = RegExp.$1;
       if (\-Blank(\d)/) != -1) {
         var matchednumber = RegExp.$1;
         var matchedtemplatename = 'vandalism';
       } else if (\-Blank[^\d]/) != -1) {
         var matchednumber = 1;
         var matchedtemplatename = 'vandalism';
       if ((\-bv/) != -1) || ( != -1) || ( != -1)) {
         var matchednumber = 4;
         var matchedtemplatename = 'vandalism';
       if ((!matchedtemplatename) || (matchedtemplatename == 'cluebotwarning') || (matchedtemplatename == 'block') || (matchedtemplatename == 'huggle') || (matchedtemplatename == 'huggleblock') || (difftime < 0) || (\d/) != -1)) { 
         var matchedtemplatename = 'vandalism';
       if ((document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value == "") || (!last_time)) {
         document.editform.wpSummary.value = "Caution: " + matchedtemplatename + " on \[\[" + UrlParameters["vandalizedpage"].replace(/\_/g, ' ') + "\]\]";
         document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value = document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value + "\{\{subst\:uw-" + matchedtemplatename + "2\|" + UrlParameters["vandalizedpage"].replace(/\_/g, ' ') + "\}\} " + usersignature;
         if(automaticwarning) {;
         window.setTimeout(function() { window.close(); }, 1000); }
       } else {
         if (difftime < 0) {
           document.editform.wpSummary.value = "Caution: " + matchedtemplatename + " on \[\[" + UrlParameters["vandalizedpage"].replace(/\_/g, ' ') + "\]\]";
           document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value = document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value + "\n\n\{\{subst\:uw-" + matchedtemplatename + "2\|" + UrlParameters["vandalizedpage"].replace(/\_/g, ' ') + "\}\} " + usersignature;
           if(automaticwarning) {;
           window.setTimeout(function() { window.close(); }, 1000); }
         } else {
             if ((matchednumber == 4) || (matchednumber2 == 4)) {
               if (wgTitle.match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)) {
                function newRequest()
                  try {
                    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
                      return new XMLHttpRequest();
                    } else {
                      return new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
                  } catch (e) {
                    return false;
                var req;
                if (req = newRequest()) {
                  var text = "/w/api.php?format=xml&action=query&list=logevents&letype=block&letitle=User:" + wgTitle;
        "GET", text, false);
                  var blocks = req.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("block");
                  if (blocks.length > 0) {
                    if (blocks[0].getAttribute('duration').search(/\./) == -1) {
                      var duration = blocks[0].getAttribute('duration');
                    } else {
                      var duration = "12 hours";
                  } else {
                    var duration = "12 hours";
                if (\d+) (\w+)/) != -1) {
                  var newblockdurationnumber = 2 * RegExp.$1;
                  var lastblockdurationname = RegExp.$2;
                  if (\b/) != -1) {
                    var newblockdurationname = lastblockdurationname;
                  } else {
                    var newblockdurationname = lastblockdurationname + "s";
                  var blockurl = "" + wgTitle + "&blockduration=" + newblockdurationnumber + "%20" + newblockdurationname + "&blockreason=vandalism";
                } else {
                  var blockurl = "" + wgTitle;
               } else {
                 var blockurl = "" + wgTitle + "&blockduration=infinite&blockreason=vandalism-only%20account";
               if(automaticwarning) { window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = blockurl; }, 1000); }
             } else {
               document.editform.wpSummary.value = "Final warning: " + matchedtemplatename + " on \[\[" + UrlParameters["vandalizedpage"].replace(/\_/g, ' ') + "\]\]";
               document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value = document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value + "\n\n\{\{subst\:uw-" + matchedtemplatename + "4\|" + UrlParameters["vandalizedpage"].replace(/\_/g, ' ') + "\}\} " + usersignature;
               if(automaticwarning) {;
               window.setTimeout(function() { window.close(); }, 1000); }
   if (UrlParameters["addtemplate"] > '') {
     if (UrlParameters["addtemplate"] == 1) {
       document.editform.wpSummary.value = "You have been temporarily blocked.";
       document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value = document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value + "\n\n\{\{subst\:uw-block1\|time=" + UrlParameters["blockduration"] + "\|reason\=vandalism\|subst\=subst\:\}\}";
     } else if (UrlParameters["addtemplate"] == 2) {
       document.editform.wpSummary.value = "\{\{indefblockeduser\}\}";
       document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value = "\{\{indefblockeduser\}\}";
     window.setTimeout(function() { window.close(); }, 1000);
 if ( (UrlParameters["blockreason"] > "") || (UrlParameters["diff"] > "") || ( (UrlParameters["spam"] > "") && (UrlParameters["vandalizedpage"] > "") ) || (UrlParameters["addtemplate"] > '') ) {