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The Derrones was a Paionian tribe in the Thraco-Macedonian area. Our knowledge of them comes from coins bearing variations of the legend DERRONIKON (ΔΕΡΡΟΝΙΚΟΝ) - DERR (ΔΕΡΡ) etc. The alphabet used in the coin legends is Greek. These coins are traditionally dated to c. 513-500/480 although it seems more than likely that a lower date should be considered.

Based on numismatic evidence, and especially coin hoards, there are two schools of thought as to the geographic position of the tribe.

The first theory claims that they should be placed in the central Balkans, in the northern part of the Republic of Macedonia, while the second theory considers that this tribe, at least at the time of the stricking of the inscribed coins (i.e. early 5th century) was based in an area further to the south.


- SVORONOS J.N., « L’Hellénisme primitif de la Macédoine prouve par la Numismatique et l’or du Pangée », JIAN 19 (1919).
- HAMMOND N.G.L., GRIFFITH G.T., A History of Macedonia II, Oxford 1979.
- PETROVA Eleonora, “The coinage of the Paeonian Tribal Organisations and Paeonian Kings (VI to III Centuries B.C.), Coins and mints in Macedonia: proceedings of the symposium held in honor of the 80th birthday and 50th anniversary of the scholarly and educational work of Ksente Bogoev, member of the Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences / [Cvetan Grozdanov, editor ; translated by Elizabeta Bakovska, Katerina Hristovska]. Skopje : Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences : National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, 2001