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[edit] Biography


Hello, my name is Gandalf DeBano. I am a 45 year old journalist with a knack for worship and sacrificing. My hard work ethnics and motivation keep me on task, and helps guide me throughout the day. With my two brothers, Frederick(age:57) and Alfuarfo(age:63), we have erected a monument to the great cardinal. The sculpture is based off the image to the right. You can learn more about Cardinalism here.

Gandalf on his Birthday
Gandalf on his Birthday

Now I will get a little more person about myself. As stated above, I am 45 years young. I work for a news paper called Sunny Side Times based out of Heath, Ohio. I am currently the Senor Editor and writer of the sports section. It's a hard job, but hey, someones gotta do it. The newspaper was founded in 1987 by Jared E. McClode, and his wife Lizzy McClode. They are now retired, and the paper is currently run by Louis J. Frando, the town bugler. I hope to someday receive the honor of owning it.

In my free time I enjoy taking long walks on the beach with my brothers, and sitting in fount of the TV watching White Noise. But nothing compares with cuddling up in bed with a good book beats out everything. If I get the time, I like to occasionally play a game of chess against the computer, or against my pen-pal, Dorise, who lives in Cuba. My favorite song is "Please let go of my dreadlocks" by Rubix Lestine. My favorite genre of movies is Action and Comedy. My favorite movie, out of every movie every created, is The Creation Of The Universe Turner Home Entertainment. They have made many good movies, but The Creation Of The Universe is by far their best!

If I had to pick one place to live in the whole world, I would pick the corner of 34th and Broadway street in New York. You see, this is where I was born. When my mother was 20, she had no money. So she was forced to give labor on the street. Then, I was taken into protective custody because Child Welfare didn't feel that I was safe living with her. My mother committed suicide 3 days later by jumping off the Brooklyn bridge. At the age of 16 I dropped out of High School, and moved out to Ohio the escape my horrible past. And to this day, I havn't gotten the chance to return to New York, because of financial problems.

My life long wish to be reunited with my long lost father. The only problem is, I only know his last name, DeBano. If anyone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated. He is thought to be located somewhere in south-eastern Africa, and a member of the Toclich tribe. If you have any information, please contact me via my Talk Page or by email. Any and all help is appreciated.

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