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The Kinsley-Offerle School District (Kansas Unified School District Number 347 or "USD #347") is a school district in southwest Kansas. Located in western Edwards County, the school district enrolled 321 students in the 2004-05 school year. As of 2005, the school district consists of a combined high school and junior high school, and an elementary school.

[edit] History

In yyyy, the Kinsley school district consolidated with the Offerle school district. The reorganization left the district with four facilities:

  • "Northside", located at West 1st Street and Colony Avenue in Kinsley;
  • "Southside", located at East 8th Street and Clute Avenue in Kinsley;
  • Kinsley High School, located at West 7th and Colony Avenue in Kinsley; and
  • Offerle School, located at what is now South Elm Street and Kansas Avenue in Offerle.

From yyyy until the late 1980s, the districts preschool program and Kindergarten were held in at Northside; with First through Third Grades conducted at Southside. Fourth through Eighth Grades occupied the renamed Offerle Middle School, and Ninth through Twelvth were at Kinsley High School.

In yyyy, instruction of Fourth Grade was moved to Southside, and First Grade to Northside. This arrangement continued through the 1990s.

Due to a lack of enrollment, a lack of funds, and non-compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act both the Northside and Southside facilities were forced to close. In the early 2000s, a somewhat controversial reorganization moved instruction of Kindergarten through xxxth Grade to the (now) Offerle Elementary School, and xxxth through Twelvth to the Kinsley Junior High/Senior High School.

Starting with the 2005-2006, USD #347 and the Lewis Unified School District #502 f