Density (disambiguation)
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Density and dense usually refer to a measure of how much of some entity is within a fixed amount of other space. Types of density include:
In physics:
- Density, mass per volume
- Area density, mass over a (two-dimensional) area
- Linear density, mass over a (one-dimensional) line
- Planck density, Planck mass per Planck length
- Specific gravity, a dimensionless ratio based on the density of a substance to the density of water
- Relative density, a measure of density in comparison to the density of something else
- Vapour density, a relative density used for gases
- Current density, the ratio of electric current to area
- Charge density, the electric charge per volume
- Energy density, potential energy per unit volume or mass, depending on context
- Force density, force per unit volume
- Information density, the amount of information compared to many units
- Optical density, the absorbance of an element
In mathematics:
- Dense set and nowhere dense set in topology
- Schnirelmann density in number theory
- Natural density (also called asymptotic density) in number theory
- Lebesgue density in measure theory
- Probability density function, a function which maps probabilities across the real line and whose integral is 1
- Density estimation is the construction of an estimate of a probability density function
- Kernel density estimation, used in statistics to estimate a probability density function of a random variable
- Tensor density in differential geometry
- Density in graph theory, the fraction of possible edges that exist in a graph
- Dense order in order theory
- Dense-in-itself, in geometry, is a set that contains no isolated points
- In forcing (mathematics), a subset D of a forcing notion (P, ≤ ) is called dense in P if for any p in P there is d in D with d≤p
In other scientific fields:
- Population density, population per unit area
- Computer storage density, bits (how computers store information) over an amount of area or volume
Density can also refer to:
- Spiritual density, states of being for various planes of existence