Demon Seed (novel)

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Demon Seed
Cover of 1997 edition
Cover of 1997 rewritten edition of Demon Seed
Author Dean Koontz
Country Flag of the United States United States
Language English
Genre(s) Techno-thriller
Publisher Berkley Publishing
Publication date 1973
Media type Paperback
Pages 320 (1997 edition)
ISBN ISBN 0-425-15859-4 (1997 edition)

Demon Seed is a novel by the best-selling author Dean Koontz first published in 1973 and republished, completely rewritten, in 1997. Though Koontz wrote both versions of the novel and they share the same basic plot, the two novels are very different. Both versions are first-person narratives — the earlier one is written from Susan's perspective, the later version is written from the perspective of an intelligent computer that imprisons her. A movie version of the book was released in 1977 with the same title.

[edit] Synopsis