Demographics of the Municipality of Strathfield

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The following are a variety of statistics for the Local Government Area (LGA) of Strathfield.


[edit] Summary

Statistical summary 1
Summary Indicators 2001
 % of
 % change
Population 27,956 100 25,856 2,100 8.1
Australian born 12,922 46.2 13,626 -704 -5.2
Overseas born 13,521 48.4 11,386 2,135 18.8
Birthplace not stated 1,513 5.4 848 665 78.4
Overseas born - English speaking countries 1,162 4.2 1,208 -46 -3.8
Overseas born - non-English speaking countries 12,359 44.2 10,178 2,181 21.4
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders 103 0.4 124 -21 -16.9
Language other than English spoken at home 14,992 53.6 12,198 2,794 22.9
Overseas born arrived since 1996 3,373 12.1      
Overseas born arrived since 1996 3,130 11.2      

[edit] Overseas born residents' birthplace

Overseas Born: Birthplace by Gender, 2001 and 1996 Census 2
Birthplace Males Females Persons  % of OSB 1996
 % change
Korea, Republic of (South) 841 909 1,750 12.9 970 780 80.4
China (excl. SARs and Taiwan) 737 895 1,632 12.1 1,223 409 33.4
Sri Lanka 765 779 1,544 11.4 1,142 402 35.2
India 494 402 896 6.6 485 411 84.7
Hong Kong (SAR of China) 321 358 679 5.0 659 20 3.0
Italy 353 305 658 4.9 747 -89 -11.9
Lebanon 300 281 581 4.3 556 25 4.5
Vietnam 264 293 557 4.1 471 86 18.3
New Zealand 201 194 395 2.9 466 -76 -16.3
England 198 192 390 2.9 466 -76 -16.3
Malaysia 146 166 312 2.3 306 6 2.0
Greece 141 145 286 2.1 304 -18 -5.9
Egypt 118 119 237 1.8 210 27 12.9
Total overseas born 6,597 6,924 13,521 100.0 11,386 2,135 18.8

[edit] Religion

Religious affiliation by gender, 2001 and 1996 census 3
Religion Males Females Persons % of
% change
Catholic 4,662 4,865 9,557 34.2 9,381 176 1.9
No religion 1,529 1,274 2,803 10.0 3,085 -282 -9.1
Anglican 1,206 1,415 2,621 9.4 3,292 -671 -20.4
Hinduism 1,263 1,234 2,497 8.9 1,587 910 57.3
Orthodox 855 889 1,744 6.2 1,652 92 5.6
Buddhism 751 848 1,599 5.7 628 971 154.6
Presbyterian & Reformed 537 627 1,164 4.2 921 243 26.4
Uniting Church 461 510 971 3.5 1,177 -206 -17.5
Islam 478 404 882 3.2 646 236 36.5
Baptist 151 184 335 1.2 335 0 0.0
Christian, nfd 134 152 286 1.0 195 91 46.7
Oriental Christian 122 121 243 0.9 212 31 14.6
Religious belief, nfd 118 122 240 0.9 43 197 458.1
Pentecostal 81 115 196 0.7 168 28 16.7
Seventh-day Adventist 52 65 117 0.4 113 4 3.5
Other Protestant 53 55 108 0.4 99 9 9.1
Lutheran 39 60 99 0.4 116 -17 -14.7
Sikhism 44 34 78 0.3 39 39 100.0
Jehovah's Witnesses 29 32 61 0.2 59 2 3.4
Other Christian 20 36 56 0.2 60 -4 -6.7
Judaism 26 29 55 0.2 75 -20 -26.7
Bretheren 17 18 35 0.1 34 1 2.9
Salvation Army 15 11 26 0.1 34 -8 -23.5
Churches of Christ 9 15 24 0.1 31 -7 -22.6
Latter Day Saints 9 10 19 0.1 19 0 0.0
Bahá'í 4 11 15 0.1 11 4 36.4
Other religions 48 45 93 0.3 59 34 57.6
Inadequately described 68 30 98 0.4 40 58 145.0
Not stated 996 968 1,934 6.9 1,745 189 10.8
Total persons 13,747 14,209 27,956 100.0 25,856 2,100 8.1

[edit] Crime

NSW Recorded Crime Statistics for the Strathfield LGA 4
Australian Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research
Type of offence 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Total Rate per 100,000 population Total Rate per 100,000 population Total Rate per 100,000 population Total Rate per 100,000 population Total Rate per 100,000 population
Murder* 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 6.8 2 6.8 1 3.4
Attempted murder 0 0.0 1 3.5 1 3.4 0 0.0 1 3.4
Murder accessory, conspiracy 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Manslaughter - not driving* 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Manslaughter - driving* # 0 0.0 2 7.0 1 3.4 0 0.0 - -
Driving causing death^ # - - - - - - - - 4 13.6
Assault 259 907.9 193 673.2 236 801.8 208 705.6 221 749.7
Sexual offences
Sexual assault 16 56.1 5 17.4 13 44.2 6 20.4 13 44.1
Indecent assault, act of indecency 26 91.1 15 52.3 20 68.0 10 33.9 15 50.9
Other sexual offences 7 24.5 12 41.9 3 10.2 10 33.9 6 20.4
Abduction and kidnapping 2 7.0 6 20.9 5 17.0 3 10.2 3 10.2
Robbery without a weapon 58 203.3 86 300.0 123 417.9 136 461.3 125 424.0
Robbery with a firearm 6 21.0 16 55.8 21 71.3 15 50.9 14 47.5
Robbery with a weapon not a firearm 43 150.7 47 163.9 60 203.9 53 179.8 41 139.1
Other offences against the person 14 49.1 11 38.4 10 34.0 12 40.7 21 71.2
Break and enter - dwelling 420 1472.2 486 1695.2 520 1766.7 433 1468.8 415 1407.7
Break and enter - non-dwelling 192 673.0 217 756.9 181 615.0 142 481.7 113 383.3
Possess implements 10 35.1 11 38.4 11 37.4 6 20.4 1 3.4
Receiving 6 21.0 3 10.5 0 0.0 2 6.8 1 3.4
Goods in custody 37 129.7 27 94.2 28 95.1 41 139.1 31 105.2
Motor vehicle theft 341 1195.3 356 1241.7 349 1185.7 316 1071.9 273 926.1
Steal from motor vehicle 413 1447.7 541 1887.0 433 1471.1 369 1251.7 375 1272.0
Steal from retail store 45 157.7 35 122.1 46 156.3 71 240.8 53 179.8
Steal from dwelling 84 294.4 97 338.3 104 353.3 78 264.6 74 251.0
Steal from person 263 921.9 242 844.1 209 710.1 259 878.6 216 732.7
Stock theft 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.4 0 0.0 0 0.0
Fraud 134 469.7 173 603.4 261 886.8 250 848.0 158 536.0
Other theft 517 1812.3 550 1918.4 382 1297.9 348 1180.5 295 1000.7
Demand money with menaces 14 49.1 6 20.9 16 54.4 6 20.4 2 6.8
Extortion, blackmail 1 3.5 2 7.0 2 6.8 0 0.0 0 0.0
Arson 19 66.6 19 66.3 27 91.7 11 37.3 28 95.0
Malicious damage to property 373 1307.5 270 941.8 269 913.9 242 820.9 301 1021.0
Drug offences
Possession and/or use of cocaine 3 10.5 2 7.0 2 6.8 2 6.8 1 3.4
Possession and/or use of narcotics 20 70.1 15 52.3 6 20.4 4 13.6 2 6.8
Possession and/or use of cannabis 39 136.7 36 125.6 93 316.0 60 203.5 84 284.9
Possession and/or use of other drugs 15 52.6 14 48.8 28 95.1 12 40.7 11 37.3
Dealing, trafficking in cocaine 1 3.5 1 3.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Dealing, trafficking in narcotics 3 10.5 4 14.0 1 3.4 0 0.0 1 3.4
Dealing, trafficking in cannabis 0 0.0 1 3.5 6 20.4 3 10.2 0 0.0
Dealing, trafficking in other drugs 2 7.0 4 14.0 14 47.6 2 6.8 2 6.8
Cultivating cannabis 4 14.0 1 3.5 1 3.4 1 3.4 0 0.0
Importing drugs 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Other drug offences 13 45.6 13 45.3 12 40.8 21 71.2 11 37.3
Offensive behaviour
Offensive conduct 13 45.6 9 31.4 4 13.6 12 40.7 6 20.4
Offensive language 19 66.6 1 62.8 12 40.8 21 71.2 11 37.3
Prostitution offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.4 0 0.0
Betting and gaming offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 20.4
Weapons offences 44 154.2 51 177.9 52 176.7 67 227.3 50 169.6
Against justice procedures
Escapee - Corrective Services custody 1 3.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Escapee - Police custody 1 3.5 1 3.5 0 0.0 1 3.4 0 0.0
Escapee - juvenile detention 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Escapee - other custody 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.4 0 0.0
Breach Apprehended Violence Order 25 87.6 11 38.4 22 74.7 28 95.0 26 88.2
Breach bail conditions 13 45.6 5 17.4 7 23.8 11 37.3 25 84.8
Breach of recognizance 3 10.5 2 7.0 0 0.0 3 10.2 1 3.4
Fail to appear 17 59.6 5 17.4 11 37.4 12 40.7 10 33.9
Other offences against justice procedures 27 94.6 22 76.7 12 40.8 26 88.2 16 54.3
Driving offences#
Culpable driving 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 - -
PCA 70 245.4 62 216.3 76 258.2 71 240.8 - -
Drive while disqualified 67 234.9 63 219.7 87 295.6 88 298.5 - -
Drive manner/speed dangerous 9 31.5 10 34.9 17 57.8 11 37.3 - -
Other driving offences 168 588.9 422 1471.9 5083 17269.7 3930 13331.1 - -
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs^ - - - - - - - - 3 10.2
Dangerous or negligent driving^ - - - - - - - - 190 644.5
Driving while licence cancelled or suspended^ - - - - - - - - 70 237.4
Driving without a licence^ - - - - - - - - 118 400.3
Driving licence offences, nec^ - - - - - - - - 292 990.5
Registration offences^ - - - - - - - - 379 1285.6
Roadworthiness offences^ - - - - - - - - 7 23.7
Exceeding the prescribed content of alcohol limit^ - - - - - - - - 63 213.7
Exceeding legal speed limit^ - - - - - - - - 1584 5373.1
Parking offences^ - - - - - - - - 10 33.9
Regulatory driving offences, nec^ - - - - - - - - 943 3198.8
Other offences 134 469.7 203 708.1 299 1015.9 1088 3690.6 1231 4175.7

[edit] Notes

  1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2001). The people of New South Wales, statistics from the 2001 Census (Vol. 1). "Table 3.37.1" pg. 271.
  2. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2001). The people of New South Wales, statistics from the 2001 Census (Vol. 1). "Table 3.37.2: Overseas Born: Birthplace by Gender, 2001 and 1996 Census" pg. 271.
  3. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2001). The people of New South Wales, statistics from the 2001 Census (Vol. 1). "Table 3.37.7: Religious Affiliation by Gender, 2001 and 1996 Census", pg. 274.
  4. Bureau of Crime and Statistics, NSW Recorded Crime Statistics - Strathfield LGA See$FILE/StrathfieldLGA.pdf

* Number of recorded victims.

^ Number of legal actions commenced; including referrals to court and infringement notices.

# In July 2003, the NSW Police changed the way they classified traffic incidents. The incidence of specific driving offences was no longer able to be determined directly from police incident categories. From 2003, in response to this change, the unit of measurement used by the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research when reporting driving offences became the number of legal actions commenced by police rather than the number of incidents recorded. Legal actions include infringement notices, court referrals, formal cautions under the Young Offenders Act and Youth Conference referrals. From 2003 onwards, the driving offences reported have accorded with those in the Australian Standard Offence Classification (ASOC).