Democratic Socialist Forum (York)

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Democratic Socialist Forum (York)
Image:Democratic Socialist Forum Logo.gif
Motto: Another World is Possible
Chair: George Papadofragkakis
Political orientation: Left-wing politics
Political Ideology: Democratic Socialism, Marxism, Trotskyism, Grassroots democracy, Green Politics, Social activism

The Democratic Socialist Forum, formerly “Socialist Students”, is a left wing political society in the University of York with over 450 members. In terms of membership, it is the largest non-partisan ideological-political society in the University of York.


[edit] History

[edit] Formation

The York branch of Socialist Students was first founded in 2003, and for several years it has been the single representative of the socialist left within the university. It has been known, and often criticised, for its strong emphasis on campaigning, and has taken part in the demonstrations against top-up fees in London, against the war in Iraq, against the BNP, and in support of ethical investment policies and trade unionism for working students.

[edit] Secession

The society was part of the International Socialist Resistance and Socialist Students network until May 2008, when growing dissatisfaction among members towards those organisations led to a unanimously agreed secession from both of them, which resulted in the radical reformation of the society as York's Democratic Socialist Forum. The principal aim of this new society is to unite the university's left wing into a "plural, diversified, inclusive, non-confessional, and non-party oriented society".[1]

[edit] Student Workers Network

In 2008, the DSF took a leading role in the Student Workers Network initiative; an attempt to provide support, information and practical aid to York students in work, by facilitating support through the Industrial Workers of the World union and by launching a Know Your Rights campaign across campus.

A constitutional amendment in York University Student Union, orchestrated by former Chair of the society and YUSU Campaigns Officer, Chris Swann, granted this initiative a fully functional status, and ensured its effective continuation beyond the scope of the society.

[edit] Organisation

[edit] Factions

Though non-partisan itself, the DSF is comprised of four separate factions, two of which are aligned to political parties; the independent faction (the society's majority), the Old Labour, the supporters of the Socialist Workers Party and the supporters of the Socialist Party of England and Wales.

Each faction can at any point differentiate itself from the society in order to promote support for a particular party or candidate, as the Forum itself does not take sides on party politics, in an attempt to ensure unity, stability and successful cooperation.

[edit] Activities

The DSF is holding weekly meetings in Derwent College, where committee members and ordinary members jointly organise and coordinate the society's actions. These include regular campaigns, socials, speeches and debates on various issues, either among members or with other societies.

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1]