Demilitarized zone

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In military terms, a demilitarized zone (DMZ) is an area, usually the frontier or boundary between two or more military powers (or alliances), where military activity is not permitted, usually by peace treaty, armistice or other bilateral or multilateral agreement. Often the demilitarized zone lies upon a line of control and forms a de-facto international border.

Several demilitarized zones have also unintentionally become wildlife preserves, as they cause the land which they sit on to be too dangerous for construction and less exposed to human disturbance or hunting. See Korean Demilitarized Zone.

Generally, "demilitarized" means converted to non-military use or purpose, returned to a civilian field. In such meaning the term is often used in former Soviet countries both in Western and local (transliterated) languages.

  • Although many demilitarized zones are also neutral territory, since neither side is allowed to control it even for civilian administration, there are cases where a zone remains demilitarized after an agreement awarding full control to one state, which relinquished the normal right to establish any military forces or installations there.

It is also possible for powers to agree on the demilitarization of a zone without formally settling their still conflicting territorial claims, implying these are only to be pursued by peaceful means (such as diplomatic dialogue or an international court), or even frozen.


[edit] Current Demilitarized (mostly Neutral) Zones

[edit] Africa

  • Between northern Morocco and the Spanish-controlled cities of Ceuta and Melilla lies a demilitarized zone. Morocco has never recognized Ceuta and Melilla as part of Spain.

See: Ceuta border fence and Melilla border fence.

[edit] Europe

  • A neutral territory exists between the British crown colony of Gibraltar and Spain. A strip of land of width "600 toises, being more than 2 cannon shots distance between the British guns and the Spanish guns" would be considered "the neutral ground" stipulated by the Treaty of Seville in 1729. In 1908 the British constructed a fence at the British side of the neutral territory. In order not to offend the Spanish, the fence was actually 1 metre inside British territory. Even though both the United Kingdom and Spain are part of the European Union, the border fence is still relevant today since Gibraltar maintains its tax haven status. The border crossing is open 24 hours a day to facilitate customs collection by Spain.
  • Svalbard: The Svalbard Treaty of 9 February 1920 recognized Norwegian sovereignty (so it is not a neutral territory), ending the territorial claims of all other signatories, and designated the area as demilitarized.

[edit] Asia

[edit] Antarctica

Article 1 of the main Antarctic Treaty forbids military activity in Antarctica, though military personnel and equipment may use the landmass for peaceful purposes.

[edit] Famous former demilitarized zones

  • China: Japanese forces conquered Manchuria between September 1931 and February 1932, when they proclaimed the region to be the puppet state of Manchukuo. In May of 1933, the Tanggu Truce between China and Japan was concluded, which established a demilitarized zone between Manchukuo and China proper.

[edit] See also