Delta Meadows River Park

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Delta Meadows River Park (DMRP) is California State Park property located near the town of Locke. DMRP gives a glimpse into a delta of 150 years ago with sloughs, a natural island, and meadows full of wildlife such as black-tailed deer, beaver, river otter, muskrat and wildfowl, including the great blue heron, wood ducks, mallards, kingfishers and cormorants.

"The Meadows", as it is called by boaters, is a popular mooring site during the summer season. This labyrinth of sloughs, channels, and islands crowded with stands of oaks, tules, walnuts, willows and cottonwoods is unique in the modern delta.

DMRP is primarily accessible by boat. However, one can drive onto Railroad Slough Levee from the River Road between Walnut Grove and Locke, via a small gravel road just north-east of the cross channel. Additionally, a docent program through Delta Natural History Association provides canoe guides in the spring and fall, reserved through Brannan Island State Park.

The California State Park System recently acquired the old Chinese boarding house in Locke which will become a museum detailing the contribution of Chinese to the delta levee system and reclamation of farmland from the delta.