Delors Commission

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The Delors Commission was the administration of Jacques Delors, the 8th President of the European Commission, over the Commission of the European Communities (European Commission).

It was composed of three separate Commissions: 1985 to 1988, 1989 to 1992 and 1993 to 1994. Thus it was the longest serving Commission and is also seen as the most successful. It was the only Commission to serve three times, and Delors served five two year-terms (as they were then)[1]. The third Commission was the first Commission of the European Union, the Maastricht Treaty having come into force in 1993.


[edit] History

The European Commissions led by Jacques Delors are regarded by some as the most successful in the European Union's history, a gold standard by which future Commissions are judged in giving the Community a sense of direction and dynamism.[2] Delors himself became an icon for Europe.[3]

[edit] Entrance

Delors greeting the public in 1986 at the adoption of the Community's flagThe image above is proposed for deletion. See images and media for deletion to help reach a consensus on what to do.
Delors greeting the public in 1986 at the adoption of the Community's flag

The image above is proposed for deletion. See images and media for deletion to help reach a consensus on what to do.

Delors entered office when eurosclerosis was at its height. The slow pace of enlargement, lack of democracy, high level of democracy and economic problems that negative and apathetic attitudes to the Community were high. The preceding Thorn Commission was unable to exercise its authority to any meaningful extent in the face of the British vetoes on EU projects to force a more favourable agreement for it on the Community budget. Delors had previously been one of the architects of the agreement at Fontainebleau, which secured the UK rebate, and Delors intended that the settling of the budget issue should herald a new era of European integration.[3]

Following Delors' arrival in Brussels, he visited the various member states and found the same complaint that Europe reacted too slowly to issues, but did find common agreement on the single market, with its business and cultural meaning, and hence Delors placed it as his main priority with a date for its achievement: 1992 (Objectif 1992). Despite his modern reputation he was criticised by federalists for not going far enough, even earning criticism from Altiero Spinelli in the European Parliament, but Delors defended his goals as pragmatic stating "we are all slaves to the circumstances". To accomplish his goal of completing the single market, Delors had to master the political system of the community: with any member able to block a proposal in the Council, Delors convinced leaders to introduce Qualified Majority Voting so the procedure could not grind to a halt as it did under the budget disagreement. Thus, Delors set Lord Cockfield, his Internal Market Commissioner, in drafting the legislation. Now, Cockfield's work is seen as highly precise and his knowledge of the system legendary.[3]

[edit] Achievements

The Delors Commission gave a new momentum to the process of European integration. They 'completed' the internal market and laid the foundations for the single European currency. European Economic and Monetary Union was based on the three stage plan drawn up by a committee headed by Delors (the Delors Report). Delors and his Commissioners are considered the "founding fathers" of the euro. The groundwork and political persuasion was achieved through the work of the Commissioners leading to the signature of the Single European Act (SEA) in February 1986 and the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992.[4]

The Delors Commission was also responsible for the creation of the Committee of the Regions, having enshrined the idea of cohesion between EU states and regions in the SEA in 1986 leading Delors to propose the body in 1992. It was created in 1994 and the building the body occupies was named after Delors in 2006.[5] Delors' Commission oversaw a large degree of expansion. The membership of Spain and Portugal came first in 1985; then the fall of the Berlin Wall enabled the Reunification of Germany; and in 1995 came the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden. The Delors Commission also prepared the opening to the eastern countries who later joined in 2004.[4]

In 1988 Delors addressed the British Trade Union Congress; his speech about a social Europe was pivotal in turning British Labour pro-European and the British Conservatives against it.[5] In 1992, as Delors' second term was coming to an end, the International Herald Tribune noted the effect of the Delors Commission, and the need for a third term;[6]

Mr. Delors rescued the European Community from the doldrums. He arrived when Europessimism was at its worst. Although he was a little-known former French finance minister, he breathed life and hope into the EC and into the dispirited Brussels Commission. In his first term, from 1985 to 1988, he rallied Europe to the call of the single market, and when appointed to a second term he began urging Europeans toward the far more ambitious goals of economic, monetary and political union.

Following his entrance into a Europe of eurosclerosis, Delors had heralded 20 years of euphoria.[3] In contrast, the Santer Commission which succeeded Delors in 1995 was forced to resign over allegations of corruption and the Prodi Commission won little praise despite presiding over the 2004 enlargement and the implementation of the single currency.[2]

[edit] Major events

The Commission was the longest serving executive to date and oversaw many events in the history of the Union.

[edit] Members

The three Delors Commissions (generally known as "Delors I", Delors II" and "Delors III") had considerable continuity of membership and political balance, but there were nonetheless differences.

[edit] Delors I

This Commission served from 1985 to 1988, although the Spanish and Portuguese members only joined as from their countries' membership of the European Communities on 1 January 1986.

portfolio nominating member state commissioner party affiliation
President Flag of France France Jacques Delors Socialist Party
Agriculture and fisheries
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands Frans Andriessen[7] CDA
Budget, financial control, personnel and administration
Flag of Denmark Denmark Henning Christophersen Venstre
Internal market, tax law and customs
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom Lord Cockfield Conservative Party
Social affairs, employment and education
Flag of Spain Spain Manuel Marin [8] PSOE
Industry, information technology and science and research
Flag of Germany Germany Karl-Heinz Narjes CDU
Cooperation, development affairs and enlargement
Flag of Italy Italy Lorenzo Natali DC
Mediterranean policy and North-South relations Flag of France France Claude Cheysson Socialist Party
External relations and trade policy Flag of Belgium Belgium Willy De Clercq Liberal
Environment, consumer protection and transport Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom Stanley Clinton Davis Labour
Fisheries Flag of Portugal Portugal António Cardoso e Cunha [9] Social Democratic Party
Credit, investments, financial instruments and small & medium-sized enterprises Flag of Spain Spain Abel Matutes [10] People's Party
Energy & Euratom Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg Nicolas Mosar CSV
Economic affairs and employment Flag of Germany Germany Alois Pfeiffer [11][12] CSU
Institutional reforms, information policy, culture and tourism Flag of Italy Italy Carlo Ripa di Meana Sinistra Verde
Economic affairs and employment Flag of Germany Germany Peter Schmidhuber [13][14] CSU
Competition, social affairs and education Flag of Ireland Ireland Peter Sutherland [15] Fine Gael
Relations with the European Parliament, regional policy and consumer protection Flag of Greece Greece Grigoris Varfis unknown

[edit] Delors II

This Commission served from 1989 to 1992.

portfolio nominating member state commissioner party affiliation
President Flag of France France Jacques Delors PS
External relations and trade policy
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands Vice-President
Frans Andriessen
Internal market and industrial affairs
Flag of Germany Germany Martin Bangemann FDP
Competition and financial institutions
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom Sir Leon Brittan Conservative
Economic & financial affairs and coordination of structural funds
Flag of Denmark Denmark Henning Christophersen Venstre
Cooperation, development and fisheries
Flag of Spain Spain Manuel Marin PSOE
Science, research, development, telecommunications and innovation
Flag of Italy Italy Filippo Maria Pandolfi DC
Energy, Euratom, small businesses; staff and translation Flag of Portugal Portugal Antonio Cardoso e Cunha PSD
Audiovisual and cultural affairs Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg Jean Dondelinger None
Agriculture and rural development Flag of Ireland Ireland Ray MacSharry Fianna Fáil
Mediterranean and Latin American policy Flag of Spain Spain Abel Matutes People's Party
Transport and consumer protection Flag of Belgium Belgium Karel van Miert SP
Regional Policy Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom Bruce Millan Labour
Employment, industrial relations and social affairs Flag of Greece Greece Vasso Papandreou PASOK
Environment, nuclear safety and civil protection Flag of Italy Italy Carlo Ripa di Meana Sinistra Verde
Budget Flag of Germany Germany Peter Schmidhuber CSU
Taxation and customs union Flag of France France Christiane Scrivener Republican Party

[edit] Delors III

This Commission served from 1993 to 1994. It was the first Commission of the European Union, with the Maastricht Treaty coming into force. Its short tenure was designed to bring the mandates of the Commission into line with those of the European Parliament.

portfolio nominating member state commissioner party affiliation
President Flag of France France Jacques Delors PS
Internal market, industrial affairs and ICT
Flag of Germany Germany Martin Bangemann FDP
External economic affairs and trade policy
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom Sir Leon Brittan Conservative
Economic and financial affairs
Flag of Denmark Denmark Henning Christophersen Venstre
Cooperation, development and humanitarian aid
Flag of Spain Spain Manuel Marin PSOE
Flag of Belgium Belgium Karel van Miert SP
Science, research, technological development and education
Flag of Italy Italy Antonio Ruberti PSI
Transport and energy Flag of Spain Spain Marcelino Oreja [16] People's Party
Environment, fisheries Flag of Greece Greece Ioannis Paleokrassas ND
Agriculture and rural development Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg René Steichen CSV
Transport and energy Flag of Spain Spain Abel Matutes [17] People's Party
Institutional reform, internal market and enterprise Flag of Italy Italy Raniero Vanni d'Archirafi unknown
Taxation, customs union and consumer policies Flag of France France Christiane Scrivener Liberal
Budget, financial control and the cohesion fund Flag of Germany Germany Peter Schmidhuber CSU
Social affairs and employment Flag of Ireland Ireland Pádraig Flynn Fianna Fáil
Relations with Parliament, culture and audiovisual Flag of Portugal Portugal João de Deus Pinheiro PSD/PP
External relations and enlargement Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands Hans van den Broek CDA
Regional policy and cohesion Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom Bruce Millan Labour

[edit] Key

The colour of the row indicates the approximate political leaning of the office holder using the following scheme:

affiliation first term second term third term
right leaning / conservative Eight Six Seven
left leaning / socialist Six Seven Six
Centrist / liberal Two Three Three
Green party One One None
other / unknown One One One

[edit] Secretary-General

The Secretary-General of the European Commission throughout the three Delors Commissions was David Williamson.

[edit] See also

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ A Bit More Delors Could Revamp the Commission 21/01/92
  2. ^ a b The new Commission - Some initial thoughts. Burson-Marsteller (2004). Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  3. ^ a b c d Eppink, Derk-Jan; Ian Connerty (translator) (2007). Life of a European Mandarin: Inside the Commission, 1st edition (in English), Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo, p.20-7, 31. ISBN 978-9020970227. 
  4. ^ a b Discover the former Presidents: The Delors Commission. Europa (web portal). Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  5. ^ a b Jones, Chris (2006-09-18). Row over naming of 'Delors' EU building. Retrieved on 2008-02-02.
  6. ^ Merritt, Giles (1992-01-21). A Bit More Delors Could Revamp the Commission. International Herald Tribune. Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  7. ^ Portfolio shared with António Cardoso e Cunha after Portugal joined the Community (5 January 1986)
  8. ^ From 5 January 1986 after Spain joined the Community
  9. ^ From 5 January 1986 after Portugal joined the Community
  10. ^ From 5 January 1986 after Spain joined the Community
  11. ^ Until 1 August 1987, when replaced by Peter Schmidhuber
  12. ^ Portfolio shared with Abel Matutes after Spain joined the Community (5 January 1986)
  13. ^ From 22 September 1987, replacing Alois Pfeiffer
  14. ^ Portfolio shared with Abel Matutes after Spain joined the Community (5 January 1986)
  15. ^ Portfolio shared with Manuel Marin after Spain joined the Community (5 January 1986)
  16. ^ After April 1994, replacing Abel Matutes
  17. ^ Until April 1994, replaced by Marcelino Oreja

[edit] References

[edit] External links